How often are you paranoid?

With the right medication, how often are you paranoid?

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Only in over stimulating situations

Were you very paranoid before the right medication?

Yeah I was pretty paranoid. Not an all day thing but off and on all day

were you afraid people was following/monitoring you or did you have another paranoia?

I was afraid of the CIA and aliens following me and watching me mostly

So you still believe the CIA and aliens are still following you? Do you think that could be a delusion?

How long did it take for the med to make you feel less paranoid?

I am paranoid most days.

Yes I still believe it but not as strongly. I just got put on meds so well see. It’s been a week and the strong feelings of paranoia subsided a couple days ago but j was in the hospital so I had aggressive treatment

Did you just become SZ or was the paranoia a new symptom for you?

Aggressive treatment is what I avoid at all costs at this point in my recovery.

I’ve been diagnosed with sza for a year now

What are you paranoid about?

So there are days where you are not paranoid?

Does something trigger your paranoia or you just feel paranoia on most days?

So you just started having intense paranoia and then you went to the hospital?

No. Its complicated. I went for suicidal ideation

You’ve been paranoid since you were SZ and then finally got your paranoia lowered after this last hospitalization?

Were you on meds before your last hospitalization?

Yeah mostly. I’ve been on and off meds since I was diagnosed

Why do you want to know? What do you want from me?

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I don’t want anything from you.

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Often maybe constantly, like I’m ready to go ‘on offense’ readily. Like today…