Deluded or not?

I sometimes believe that people are after me. Am I crazy or is this normal?

That’s not normal, but it is something that many people on this site have experienced before. Hopefully with meds that belief will fade.

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Well I’m on meds and I think when the belief arises the meds don’t do anything about it so Idk

Yeah, it´s called paranoia. You need to talk to your doc about it so you can find the right ap and dose for you.


It’s possible you need more or different meds, or maybe it’s been too soon since you took the meds you’re currently on. Keep talking to your doctor.

How are you doing this morning? (It’s morning where I live). Do you get to go back to school in the fall with the coronavirus?

I’ve talked about it before but they keep prescribing Abilify for some reason…

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Well Abilify didn’t really work for my intrusive thoughts that others call ”delusions”

They faded yes but not bc of the meds
And I don’t currently believe in it so idk about changing meds yet

I’m doing good( it’s 4pm here though), and yes I need to finish middle school (in my country it’s different)

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How long have you been on abilify now?

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Well I was on it for like 2 months last time when I was involuntarily admitted, then quit the meds, started them again and have been taking them for 2 weeks now (now on the shot of it and stopping oral meds on Wed)

Yea maybe you already know, but it can take up to two months for it to start working so maybe that’s why they haven’t stopped it. To give it a chance. Unless u absolutely can’t bear it.

And you have a paranoia delusion right now?

Not right now. Why?

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Why do you think the thoughts faded after taking your meds? What else happened then to make them go away?

When we are feeling better, it is common to think we got better through hard work and thinking things through. But then, we quit our meds and end up just as sick, even when we try to think things through clearly.


Yes my paranoia faded because of me just thinking it’snnot real anymore

Well I just started thinking differently after the ward stay

No way, please tell us who struggle with paranoia how you achieved it…

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I don’t even know myself so that’s a hard question

Don’t rule out that it might have been the meds that helped with the paranoia… Maybe u are thinking differently COS of the meds, could well be.

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Yeah i guess
I just don’t want to take these meds for the rest of my life

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