Can I get a Dog?

My mother says it’s too close to Christmas - but that means nothing to me

Also I apparently need to wait until I am mentally well.

I personally think I need a companion to feel well, and an excuse to go for walks in the countryside and on the beach

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I live alone and have no animals, but always had dogs growing up

I’ve decided not to get a dog right now.
It’s a lot of work and I’m not well physically and mentally.
For some reason I’m no longer excited over the aspect of getting a dog.

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I’m all for you getting a dog. I think it would be good for you but I think you have had a bit of turmoil in your life lately. Maybe it would be best to wait until meds are stabilized and you are sure what you are going to do financially? I know you have had some ponderings about going on disability and cutting your expenses down to the bare minimum. A dog would be another expense, between the vet, dog supplies and whatnot.

Just my opinion. But yeah, dogs are great. I am all in favor of you getting one.

Edit: yeah, and the stability would also be a factor if you are getting a puppy and have to train them and whatnot. Something else to stress you out. Something to consider.

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Working full time and having a dog in particular is very hard… are you sure you can handle that? And the dog that waits for you to come back?

I think these are valid reasons for wanting a dog. So long as you feel you could look after them, then I think it’s a positive. I think I remember you saying before you would adopt from a shelter rather than buying a puppy. So there’s no toilet training involved. A lot of rescue dogs need 1 on 1 relationships. I think that is a great idea to be honest.

I don’t feel right if I don’t have a dog. I’ve had them my entire life.

Corgi is a great companion, I got lucky when we got her.

It’s work, and it can be costly. But I easily find them worth it.

I will either be not working, or if I do, then it’s 4 days a week at home and 1 day a week my parents will look after or go to doggy hotel

The animal would barely leave my side :slight_smile:


I want a dog too (some day). I think a dog could do you good. You’ve been craving companionship.

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This is the little guy (4 months)


I want to call him Chester

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That does sound reasonable with enough time spent with the prospective doggy.

But you really want to stop working now?

I am not sure. I have until the end of this month to decide.

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Maybe a cat?? :cat:

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I honestly think you should wait a little longer.

If you’re still adjusting you can use the time to focus on yourself.

I know I felt dreadful when I couldn’t find it in me to walk the dog and now my dogs don’t play with me as much.

If your not working I’d say yes as you would have the time to invest in walks and training.

I will tell you from personal experience it’s a lot of hard work. To be honest having a puppy was more demanding for me than having a baby. And if and when anything happens to my pug I will never get another. Partly cause of the hard work but also cause I’ll be totally heartbroken.

What happens with the dog if you’re hospitalized? Can someone care for it for you? That’s the big concern.

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I’ll also add the financial cost. If your not working obviously you have the time. But would you have the finances ? Dogs need insurance. food. Grooming. Vet bills.

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I won’t be getting hospitalised. It’s counter productive for that to happen

Even if I did, I have family who would look after a dog. Failing that it would go into kennels

We’re approaching my 4th year clear of hospitals

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It would be nice if you had something positive to keep you busy on weekends. You seem to decompensate on them a lot.

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