I want a dog

My mom suggested that I get a dog instead of a cat. I hate her repeating advice but I thought about it and a dog would be good for me. I don’t know how I could afford it though. Dogs are good caretakers of people. My siblings all have high paying jobs but when I told them I couldn’t afford a pet they didn’t offer any assistance.

I want a cat. I am afraid of dogs.


Yes. And its hard work because its like a toddler who needs love, attention and care. Walks are like diaper changing. Food is like feeding time. Attention cause your dog can never get enough.

They will be by your side and will die for you. They are protectors, care and love you. They bond so hard. I have Sui- ideation and I have to live for my dog because they love me so much and need me.

Honestly when I go out I need my dog with me.


You can get a dog from a shelter right?

I’m in the process of looking for an adult shelter dog to adopt.
They are wonderful.


I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to take care of a pet properly because of my illness (could be wrong) but it would be nice to have a cat.


Cat’s are frightened too easily. They always think people are going to harm them. It’s because of their size. Maybe just wait until sometime in the future Gecko?

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will do, I could use a cat. And they aren’t hard to take care of.

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I have a fluffy doggo. He’s a 8 yr old jack russell mix.

He’s seriously the best.

I gave my precious cat to the shelter 2 years ago before I moved in with my friend. She didn’t want my cat in her house.

She has a dog. I don’t care for dogs and her dog always prevents us from having any fun. Example: we can’t go anywhere or do anything because her dog has to be either fed or taken out to go potty or both.

My friend says no more dogs after this one. This dog is now 9 years old. I am patiently waiting for its end.

I want both, a cat and a dog, but my dad doesn’t like cats and doesn’t think i can handle a dog… so right now i have fish… but i really want a cat… a munchkin cat…

i recommend to anyone considering getting a dog to become a foster for your local shelter. its a good way to get to know dogs that you might not have asked to see if going for adoption, also theres no commitment and usually fostering is short term. they provide food and toys, crate leash, etc. (basically anything the dog needs including ones who take meds) free of charge for fosters. i was a foster and ended up adopting my foster dog. i never would have met this dog had i not become a foster and now he’s my best bud


I brought my little Shadow home a little over 3 years ago …she was this filthy little runt of a dog, weighing 6 lbs at 7 weeks old. It was so hard at first, housetraining her, teaching her to walk on a leash, feeding her 3 times a day…holding her on my belly while laying on the couch (and she stood up a peed all over my chest!). It was difficult for me and I didn’t think it would ever get easier.
Now, Shadow is 46 lbs of mutt love. She gets me up in the morning, tells me when she needs to go out, loves fetch at the dog park. She is one of the biggest reasons that I am not in the hospital as frequently as I was before I got her. She’s the best friend I ever had and I’m glad I got her…not bad for a craigslist mutt!


She’s delusional, offer her some antipsychotics. You’ll know they’re working when she suggests getting a cat.

Not a bad idea @cigarino

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I would highly suggest against getting an animal if you cant afford vet care. Nothing worse than watching your best friend be sick or possibly die when you csnt afford the vet. Right now i have a $2k+ vet bill because my 8 year old dog needs 2 surgeries onenof which could be life saving.

2 thousand dollars is a lot of money but I guess operations are a lot. Right now it’s in the possible area of things, I need to see if a family member can help out.

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