Please help and let me know
i can you pervert
No. Not unless you speak them out loud.
I’m sorry you’re struggling with this. I hope you feel better soon.
Nope. Nobody can. It’s impossible.
And you can’t hear mine.
I struggle with this as well. ITS NOT REAL
no…it is a delusion…we sz are good at delusions.
know someone cares
take care
Are you OK , you tend to post crazy sh1t?
I can not unless you are one of those voices I hear sometimes, no it is not you but somebody else speaking to me, you can hear your thoughts by yourself, but nobody else can, unless you are again one speaking to them.
It’s called thought broadcasters. It is stalkers who are part-time psychotic following around specific person to bother you about something private. Can REALLY be a problem at work as these look bad at work if you have public contact. Mental care will refuse to discuss this kind of social problem even calling it delusional. If you ever get angry with the mental care for these destructive policies, you will be locked up at your own expense in the mental hospital for as long as the psych DR can justify.
Thought broadcasting goes in spurts. Keep a symptom journal to see who you were around recently or local if psychosis starts after running into certain people or going to specific place, same with the thought broadcasters. Avoid these places, drop the people without another comment. Thought broadcasting will happen for short periods of time and quit, sometimes related to behaviors like eating out too much or going shopping/partying. Thought broadcasting should be expected for 3-4 months when you move somewhere new so you know who hears the voices in your area. Some churches have been working on harassing people on the disability check after mental care calling it dishonest…Sometimes a person tries to pick you up doing thought broadcasting and talks to you about something you are thinking that is private. These are all good or all weirdos. Have to try it to know but person can be VERY well informed about the neighborhood and voices, or calls you a nutcase…
Nope. I think that’s still in the realm of Sci-Fi.
sorry im just crazy
It’s a delusion. Trust me, I was there for three years.
only you and god can
Oh zombie thread
Oh zombie thread
We run and scream from thee!
And frown, we should
On zombiehood
To moderators glee!