can you please help me.everybody can hear me think and they use my thoughts against me.ive struggled since 2014.ave asked my siblings if they can hear me think…they say no yet i hear them abuse me 24hrs daily along with my neigbours.i cant catch a break the same happens when am walking in the city the same type of abuse my thoughts have become disoriented they are turning me into something am not psycologicaly help me out
When was the last time you saw your psychiatrist?
This is just an unfortunate symptom you have. Many years ago I had voices telling me that I can know what people think when I look at their forehead. This voice and these beliefs were just symptoms I had at that time. Do not believe that people can hear your thoughts and you will become better.
last year august.but i still heard the psychisrist tell me off warning me never to come back again even now the voices are trying to intimidate me with abusive words
One option is just take yourself to the ER. Either write down or copy what you have written down here and give to a doctor there.
That is a good idea, I am sure in the ER they will help.
I had a mind reading experience a few weeks ago. I was just laying in Bed thinking… I met a woman that I found interesting little while before this. I just laid there and thought how I would like to get to know her and I thought about my life and stuff… The whole time I could hear her and by the end of it she spit at me through mind. She thought I was some obsessed freak… I’m now afraid to face her. Is she gonna flip out at me the next time I see her? I know I need to face her as a reality check but I’m really scared to do it.
I’m sorry to say… your going to need some help getting out of this one.
please try to fight back on the voices and see a doc… If your feeing scared and bullied you need some help.
Hey man. You’ve got a long road ahead but you’ll come out on top.
You’ve got a lot of things you need to do.
Eliminate self consciousness beyond feeling
Don’t use words to construct your identity
You are human and that’s all that matters
For a long time humans existed without words, try and be like those people.
Meditate. Empty your mind. Be without words. You’ll become less interesting to them and they’ll start to leave you alone.
You have control over this its just not conscious yet.
thanks on the comment.the voices tell me am hearing them for real and that i dont have schizophrenia when i read they mimic me ,even describing something in my thoughts they mimic me then pour upon critical judgement on that.they remember everything then chant the abuse repeatedly. the constant repetition and unison of the voices makes me beleive that maybe i am brodcasting my thoughts and end up abusing and being rude to them which they again becoming abusive and rude to me
I’m not really the one to talk to. I still can’t tell if this shits real or not lol. You can learn to control it over time though. It’s all about controlling focus and elminating impulsive a thought.
Let your mind be free.
Thinking in images helps to. In my case they don’t generate lingual responses.
Hello joelmukono I also experience thought broadcasting it is one of my worst symptoms. It hasn’t been as bad for me lately but I have had it for about five years. I understand it is extremely distressing for you and can make you very paranoid and conscious of everything you think and do.
I would just like to tell you please know no one can hear you think. It is impossible. It is just a horrible delusion.
A good way to show yourself this is when you are experiencing TB to think really absurd things- like shouting something strange or obscene in your head. Even something like “STOP ■■■■■■■ LISTENING TO ME!” and when no one reacts you know they can’t hear you.
I hope you can see a doctor to help as it’s a horrible symptom that is hard to deal with alone.
no they can’t …that is rubbish.
we have all thought the same at some stage… that is why we are diagnosed with sz.
take care
darksith summed it up pretty much. Also HawHawHaw gives good advice. Telepathy, thought broadcast, it’s all just too much time to think. Try to seek out whatever helps you. Nothing to be ashamed of joelmukono. Keep your head up.
I go through hard symptoms everyday and I lash out at the voices with very insulting things that I would never say to anyone in real life but afterwards I feel better.
I imagine it’s a lot like being in a relationship and lashing out at each other then afterwards feeling better because I usually do feel better afterwards.
No they can’t. You only think so because you have schizophrenia. It’s a common symptom that I suffer with too but luckily for me it is harmless and doesn’t cause me great distress. I think I’m broadcasting my thoughts but about once a week it hits me that it is impossible.
I’m lucky because no one knows or can tell that I have this symptom and like I said, in my case it is harmless. I wish I could help you. No one can read our minds and no one knows what we’re thinking. Our mind is playing tricks on us due to our schizophrenia.
Our perceptions are off but with time, medication, support from friends and family, and talking to a psychiatrist or therapist, we can get better and improve. I’ve seen it happen. Good luck.
I think they want me to go away where they cant hear me think.
If they wanted you to go away they’d tell you they could hear you, they’d let you know
Honestly, I’ve had this same problem for about 10-12 years now and I usually deal with it by just telling everyone to ■■■■ off in my head
If they can’t hear me, they don’t know, if they can then they still know I know and they can’t say anything
Just pull yourself away from people if at all possible when it gets really bad and try to seek out someone you can trust with this in real life
Sometimes talking about things with someone in person can make you realise how impossible they really are
Good luck
I’m sure no one can read your mind (I used to think that too) but my theory is that people can unconsciously read micromovements of your mouth (I believe this is more common in schizophrenics) which represent words that represent some of your thought processes and it influences what they say. They’re not aware it happens. I’ve had people say things which would be too big of a coincidence if this wasn’t true.
Also I think SoitGoes gave good advice.
Many years ago when i was in denial of being Schizophrenic, I asked a social worker what are some symptoms others experience with the condition. She mentioned that some ‘believe that their thoughts can be heard’.
You see, what I find interesting, is that there’s a whole subset of symptoms that schizophrenics suffer from, they may suffer many, some, a few, or just one, but the REALITY is, its just that, a part of the condition.
In REALITY no one can read your thoughts, I would seriously consider going to see a psychiatrist, they are there to help, and you would just have to believe that, even if you think they’re thinking for you not to be there, its a creation of your mind, and they are really the experts in this area.
All the best with your journey