I think this will help me to have incentive to loose weight if I keep a record of it, every fortnight.
Some of you may think I don’t need to loose weight but I really do because there’s a lot of toxins in my fat etc etc etc from a decade of on off binge eating.
yea I want to be at the lower range of the healthy weight spectrum so I reckon it will take me a year to get there because slow weight loss is the healthiest way to lose weight as well.
You are not fat. You look to be at a healthy weight to me. If you lost two more kilograms you would be svelte, but at present it doesn’t look like you need to lose much at all if any. If you lost any more than that then you would look unhealthy imho.
BMI doesn’t mean anything these days as it doesn’t take into account any muscle and stature.
I started yesterday and apparently you shouldn’t do consecutive days thus a rest day today.
It was hard, but short. All done in 15 minutes. Out of breath and sweating with all the goodness of a long, slow steady session done in a jiffy. I think I can manage that every other day.