Bad paranoia anxiety going my mums

Worried myself stupid that mum would say something offensive when i went to see her

Then got a bad headache

Hubby drove carefully but my anxiety was extremely bad in car

When arriving at mums i was paranoid she was annoying me deliberately and mind reading but i don’t have a clue whether my sz is playing tricks on me?

She said i was breathing heavy

Hubby told her in the kitchen that my anxiety was bad and i struggle a lot

Left at earliest opportunity

Strange nb
I dont go there much

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I have life long paranoia and anxiety around my mum BUT i care about her sort of so see her sometimes

I’m sorry. Being paranoid about your own mom is really awful. But, you have some clarity still so there’s that. I’m glad you still try to see her

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My mind was racing all these negative thoughts, i really don’t get it? How can she have so much power over me?

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She doesn’t have power over you. It’s your illness. Do you have a prn to take just before going to visit her?

I forgot to take some Diazapam today

Thanks zmagal it is a lot for me to deal going to see her


Yeah. That’s so sad. I’m glad I’m the future you can taken something to help you.

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Ugh. That sounds terrible. My mom gives me paranoia when she drinks. I hate paranoia.

Sorry must be difficult that pasteyface

I don’t know, sigh, it doesn’t help that i am numb and can’t feel any emotional stuff, just the anxiety. I don’t feel emotions like love, its really hard to deal with and connect with my mum or husband even. Its fu**ed up!

Realised i have been hyperventilating for ages today with anxiety

Ive took 2 Diazapam now and im still not breathing right ugh

Ps my mum gave me a hug and said it was nice to see me
Wtf is wrong with me, im such a mess inside

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It’s okay to be a mess around family. If anyone should be understanding and kind, its family.




I second @anon55031185

Aw man. Not being able to feel is awful. Some days i feel pthers i dont. Like one day i can feel overwhelmed with love by and for my parents. Other days i am just numb. My feeling came back mlre after 2 years of being on invega. In the beginning i was numb. My grandmom died of covid and i didnt have any emotion. Thatbwas like rightnwhen i started meds.

I’m paranoid around my father

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Hey im sorry for your loss

Yeah im constantly numb i can’t feel, haven’t done for years

Its like im just getting 10% out of life

Yes weird having someone who creates such paranoia and anxiety just by being around them. I hardly see her anymore

Do you still see your father?

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Damn. Have you tried capylta? Its supposed to help with negatives and is relatively new

Yes, but it makes me nervous and sad.
Just by his presence

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Tbh i think my pdoc isn’t very good

Ive told him all my problems but hes kept me on Clopixol depot

Ive not tried your one

Idk its scary messing with meds. Hubby has a fit too if i mention changing meds, he says im more functional now so can’t risk being asleep all day again