It started when hubby went out for 5 hours as planned, my whole mind and body went berserk i couldnt handle being alone with bad intrusive thoughts and feeling nervous and on edge. Tried listening to music, put heating on to try and relax, tried but failed. I was glad and relieved when he got back and he said he wouldnt be going out for that long for 4 or 5 months again.
Im in my 40s , female have agoraphobia, sz and social anxiety. Im not sure whether i have pd because my emotions are very dimmed down. I have a lot of trauma too
I try to cope using meditation music, deep breathing and talking to family or crisis hotline when i need. Im trying to come off benzo because of spasm in mouth when i take too often. Im on depot
I know some of you here are familiar with me and my issues already but i just wanted to explain for any newer members
Hey, @Ducky, you did good! You used your coping skills and it was hard but you made it! It’s hard to be alone and, especially coming off benzos…I’m addicted again to temazepam and need it every night now in order to sleep. I’m lucky i have a doctor who doesn’t mind writing scripts for it. I don’t know what kind of insomnia I’d have without it! I wish i could get in supported living but they don’t have it here anymore…
Just be careful and keep telling your doctor how it is. I hope you manage to sleep, im up its 4am and im too restless still. Take care and thanks for your support