I am stuck this evening

I am forced to go into town for my step dads birthday.

We are in a bar at the moment and I am so anxious and paranoid.

This was such a bad idea to go. I am really regretting it

I find the people and the town at night very triggering

I will try and keep this to myself but it’s hard


I hope you can get through it.

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Yeah bars are triggering for me too.
Try to focus on other things.
You can do this.

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I am home now I couldn’t take it any more.

I am going to take a load of diazepam and zopiclone on go to bed.

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lets go home dad!

Going to my stepfathers birthday would be a disaster for me as well, good you are home. Family gatherings can be quite packed with emotions difficult to deal with, even if you like them

It was so painful. The noise was too much and I was overwhelmed and could not cope with it.

I spoke to my mother this morning and apparently all is good, they just worried about me rather than getting angry I didn’t stay

My agoraphobia is triggered in crowded places, I get dizzy

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