‘There is no mystery about how to manage these diseases and risk factors,’ he said.
I’m 39 don’t smoke but feel like I could drop dead any day now from a heart attack. It’s a combination of meds, inactivity, and years of nail biting, hair raising psychosis that takes a toll on your ticker.
Honestly I see how much my elderly Mom struggles everyday.
She is in her 80s and is crippled by Dementia and has to use a walker and wheelchair because of muscle weakness in her legs.
I don’t want to live that long where I’ll have to rely on others more so than I already do.
Bad heart health is directly related to our sedentary lifestyles and this can be traced back to the APs that we take.
Also the APs can cause high blood sugar and lipid counts in us.
Consider going off medications because they tend to weaken the cardiovascular system.
I was off meds for 2 years, then ended up psychotic in hospital. People like you who go off meds end up jumping off buildings because they think they can fly.
Look everhopeful.Listen. It is UNDISPUTED that medications have adverse side effects.
There are also claims ( albeit DISPUTED) that people off medications have better recovery rates.
I was also close on several occasions to being hospitalized.
Still I prefer no side effects and a better recovery chance and overall being in good physical health awaiting a cure.
So that’s why I said you may CONSIDER going off meds. Each case is UNIQUE and some are better off with no medication.
How long have you been off meds?
bad heart health is my motivation to exercise
Not in my World
I said SOME. each case is UNIQUE. In any case we all struggle with or without medications.
My encounters with medications were very brief.
A couple of times my parents medicated me in acute crises(without my knowledge) and another time I tried on my own
initiative.Overall I have been almost medication free.
The heart is a vehicle of energy just like the whole body. Probably it makes sense to me to call it a “psychic” death.
Of being bombarded by negative/hateful energies unconsciously directed at them from the wicked/selfish minded.
Tears are very much a release of some kind of energy as well. A stone-heart is as good as dead…It has very little hope of recovery from the darkness that has consumed it.
“How can you say these things… you’re no doctor.”
“Where are there doctors? If there were, there would be less sickness in proportion to the doctors and their ability to cure.”
OK, so you’re just lurching from acute crisis to acute crisis. It’ll get worse, and one day You’ll be at risk of jumping off a building. Your choice. But please stop trying to get people to stop taking their meds. You don’t want to be responsible for someone else jumping off a building do you?
@Erez_Shmerling, please don’t suggest that our members abandon their meds. Medication compliance is one of the largest obstacles people with schizophrenia face when working towards recovery. To suggest that people quit their meds is reckless and dangerous.
Discussions of side effects are definitely encouraged, but telling members how they should approach their medications and their effects on physical health isn’t appropriate. That discussion should happen with each member’s health providers, who are able to see the full picture.
I take propranolol for an overactive heart rate, they said my blood pressure is fine though and I had a chest x ray and the doctors didn’t find any heart issues yet. But heart disease and stroke all run in my family so it may still happen to me since I’m only 33 right now.
I agree that you should consult with physicians.
But I hold on to my statement. For some, the CURRENT medications do nothing
to help cognition, and have serious side effects.
I said that some people are better off meds. This is not advice to quit medications
this is just food for thought.
People have to constantly evaluate how they feel.
Some may need to switch medications, and some may want to come off them entirely.
I want only the best for patients I am myself schizophrenic.
Without Seroquel my metabolism is much faster and I am 40lbs lighter and much healthier. On it I am able to function and won’t commit suicide (at least I haven’t yet). I have only been on meds for two years, maybe in the future I can find an alternative which wont put me at siignificant risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke later in life.
I’m considering switching Rexulti out for abilify, as abilify doesn’t tend to cause the metabolic syndrome.
Again, I am going to ask you not to suggest to our members that they may be better off quitting their medications. Their doctors are able to assess how the medications are affecting them physically, balance that against benefits they see mentally, and make adjustments as necessary.
I’m quite serious about this - stop now.
I know others have commented on this but when I was off meds I tried to commit suicide just from how out of it I was. That would kill me faster than any heart disease.
Same here … 15
Smoking probably plays a large role in that. Such a high percentage of sz’s smoke.