I just dont see me going back to school unless i take night classes? I cannot afford that. I would like to work in the mental health field. That is where my heart is anyway. Thanks for sharing Jeff. Anyone else has care to share your experiences???
My husband had a break down after Being a workaholic ( and bipolar) and working too hard and too much. He now has been hearing voices ever since and on tons of medication. But he has to work a little because we have a son to feed so he started working part time at a golf course doing maintence. He loves it. He works early in the morning and gets to work outside in nature. Lots of people that work there are also struggling with getting their life back on track so it’s nice to have the support. It’s great excerise and the worst thing you can do is get a sunburn. It’s not much but working full time has been too much for him. I suggest working with plants and nature for anyone struggling with mental illness.
I feel like I need to work to keep my mind busy. Yes the stress gets me sometimes but I’m learning to respond to stress producing situations and individuals.