Article on recovery

I really like this article on recovery as he articulates some of the misgivings I had about the messages I received after I was diagnosed, in particular the message to avoid stress.

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Full recovery occurs in 5% of the cases.
I believe its because their SZ was drug induced or they had very mild symptoms.

Hope is always good.

whereā€™d you get that stat?

Wikipedia a couple days ago, I donā€™t know if it was changed. Also: ā€œApproximately 75% of people with schizophrenia have ongoing disability with relapsesā€

ā€œAfter a first-episode psychosis where there has been a full recovery with no symptoms for twelve months, stopping medication may be considered.ā€

I stopped meds and I relapsed after a year so I am not stopping again.

From another source, so 5-15% fully recover:

"There is currently no known cure for schizophrenia and a full recovery from schizophrenia is unusual, with only approximately 15% returning to previous functioning capabilities.

hmmm I skimmed the article and couldnā€™t find it. Iā€™m starting to think a lot more critically about the material I read due to there being such conflicting opinions about recovery so was curious the find the article that was cited about 5% . . . I still lean on the side that there are much more people that fully recovery than are known.

yes I think Iā€™ve read the 15% stat before . . . Iā€™ll take a look at that article then

I Find it Odd Perhaps, To Focus on Numbers Outside of Self For Focus on Personal Recovery.

I Have Gone Against The Abrasive Grain My Entire Life.

One Could Easily Point Out Flaws About My Life.

But At Least I Can Sleep at Night.

Yaā€™know (???)ā€¦ . ā€¦ :100:

Yes, itā€™s not about a specific number. Itā€™s about a mentality. Thereā€™s such a pessimistic view of the diagnosis of schizophrenia that I think contributes to the lack of people getting better.

On The Total Views of Those Diagnosed (???)ā€¦ . ā€¦ :100:

from my experience in the mental health field both as a professional and also as someone who was diagnosed. I thought my diagnosis was a life sentence and did not know if I would be able to work at all after it. I was also told in grad school that anyone with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar should stay on medication their entire life and had that reiterated by a friend thatā€™s a therapist after my diagnosis.

What is your view?

On The Whole Medication Argument (???)ā€¦ . ā€¦ :100:

well sure but basically on full recovery

Recovery For Oneself is Very Possible.

But One Has to Drop Their Paranoia And Guard, in Order to Begin a Positive Way to Fulfill Their Personal Hopes, Dreams, And Aspirationsā€¦ . ā€¦ :100:

so on that article, I followed the references. The first reference has different stats and does not have any citation for any study. The second reference and third I could not access. The second one because it stated that link was only for medical professionals. The third because my work internet blocked it. :slight_smile:

nice! but everyone needs defenses. a psychoanalyst said once that some of the work with working with a psychotic is helping them develop defenses . . .

Soz to Inform.

But That Statement of ā€œpatientsā€ is One of The Problems Each Individual Faces.

We Are Human Beings. Floating in Space. In The Center of an Expanding Universe.

Point is.

As Endless Victims in a Society That Seems to Care Only For Themselves.

One Drop of Blood in The Water, (Hypothetically). As We Combine Here in a Chaotic Static of Natureā€™s Web.

One Drop.

Feeding Frenzy.

And So Onā€¦ . ā€¦

what is Soz?

and sorry I meant anyone that has had psychosis.

That is ā€˜Sozā€™. (1997 Radiohead).

hmm I like Radiohead but Soz doesnā€™t ring a bell . . .