Anyone made a complete recovery from schizophrenia?

Has anyone made a complete recovery from Schizophrenia? I’ve had 4 psychotic episodes in 7 years. I had positive symptoms and had hallusinations and dellusions. In between I hadnegative sypmtoms like not beingable to focus, no motivation, not being able to take shower. Now I feel better no negative or positive symtoms.I don’t feel ecstatically happy just inbetween.


You might call it sz in remission.


sorry buddy, but i will tell you this.

my sz came out last September, so almost a year I’ve had it. but let me tell you this, I’m smart enough to know you don’t make a complete recovery from sz.

there is no cure
there is no complete recovery.
it’s permanent no matter what.

I’ve never quit my medication since I started, and i know . I’ve never relapsed and had more psychotic episodes. I have always taken my medicine and i know this

After my first breakdown I went into remission for five years but it returned. I don’t think it will go away entirely. But with meds I can live a fairly normal life :blush:


The rule of thumb is if you’ve had multiple episodes it’s for life.

That is just the way it is. It’s also complicated in that if you come off meds and relapse they may not work as well or if all if you try to get back on them.

I’m just an internet hack. Talk to your doctor but listening to your story I think your like me. Meds for life or till cure!


So how come the psychaiatrists are telling me to get off meds?


Maybe they feel you can function enough without? Maybe you can ask the psychiatrist there reasoning?

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