Are You Recovered?

As my username suggests, I consider myself “cured” of schizophrenia. I was wondering how many other people consider themselves cured/recovered. Research says somewhere between 20-30 percent of people recover from this disorder.

Here are some factors that are correlated with recovery from schizophrenia:

“Who is most likely to improve? Researchers have linked a number of factors to better outcomes in patients. These include functioning successfully in their lives before the disease emerged; experiencing severe symptoms suddenly, all at once, rather than little by little; being older when the disease appeared; being female; having a higher IQ; and lacking a family history of the disorder. All these traits and features, however, allow at best modest forecasts of schizophrenia’s prognosis.”



You mean you have no symptoms? Or no limitations or disability? Do you mean you are entirely free from all hallucinations or delusions or paranoia? Please excuse my cynicism but I’ve heard many people claim they are cured but it never seems to end up the case. I am not wishing anything bad for you I’m just a little doubtful or something. I have nothing against being cured, I wish we were all cured. If you tell me you have an excellent recovery I would take that in stride but “cured” is kind of a strong word that I am wary of.


I agree with Nick. I’ve never heard of full 100% recovery stories, only people that manage to cope fairly well with their symptoms and live a decent life. There were many times I thought myself to be… not cured, but somewhat close, until a sudden, full-blown, seemingly out-of-nowhere psychotic break proved me completely wrong. I’d be interested to know what your recovery plan is though.

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Curious, which of those factors apply to you? Late/sudden onset, female, high IQ, lack of family history etc? Do you continue with medication, and if not, how long have you been off it?

I am not “cured”, as I would quickly develop symptoms again if I were to stop all of my medications. But, I am fully recovered, as I have no symptoms of depression, mania, paranoia, mindreading, or hallucinations, at present, while on all of my medications.
Sudden onset applies to me. I used to have a relatively high IQ, at any rate. I don’t any longer. I do have a family history of sz and sza. And, I am female.

I have no hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia. I am basically my same old self – but older.

I have some of the factors that indicate a better outcome, but not all.

I was taking Aristada (injection) and Seroquel (oral) when my symptoms started to subside.

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The word should be 'well managed" rather than cured, because if you no longer have any Sz symptoms, technically you are no longer Sz.


Check, check, check, check, check and check. Let’s hope for the best but I ain’t cured yet. Nutty as they come actually.

I also have another ‘check’ and that is that I am diagnosed with Delusional Disorder vs SZ which also improves my chances of a full recovery.

Let’s get on with it, then, I say! Maybe I will wake up tomorrow ‘sane’. We’ll see.

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I’m starting to get some of my personality and social skills back rescently and as for voices and delusions go they are nerfed as long as I’m not stressed so I’d say I’m pretty close to being recovered back to my normal self.


I’m totally functional but still hallucinating on an ongoing basis… I consider it more just part of how my mind works these days… still delusional part of the time.

I’m one of the best people they got across the board at my place of employment… so regarding real world functionality I’m as good as I need to be in reality. I let that stand for itself most of the time.

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I’m high functioning, live a somewhat normal life, but I will never be “cured.” The best I can hope for is to be well managed by medications.

Congratulations on being back to your old self again.

I do believe one can be cured, but it all is decided within ones own internal and external factors, both psychical, psychological, social, health etc.

I’ve recovered from falling under the psychotic symptoms, having less etc, now I just need to work on moving forward with my life.

Progress has been a bumpy road, but I feel like I can just transfuse out of this whole situation soon enough.

I guess I am recovered I barely hear voices and I am not delusional at all I just don’t feel like myself but better than I used to be

i consider myself recovered (although im not functional yet due to negatives and cognitives)
…because psychosis is gone completely and thats what is important to me
and i will get functional with time and therapy (including supplements)
i consider myself lucky seeing so many people still living with delusions hallucinations and paranoia
sometimes i wonder do i have schizophrenia at all since i respond to medications so well

btw all those factors apply to me

ive had 7 years of grace

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Definitely not recovered, but very high functioning. Being treated in an LTSR but they don’t listen to me, I still hallucinate, am prone to outbursts of anger fueled by a combination of paranoia and trauma, but I do better than I used to and sometimes I can tell myself that the hallucinations are not real

i am feeling better and better.

i am holding onto a job and responsibilities at my mom’s home that afford me free room and board.

i keep up with hobbies a bit.

i talk to people and stay out of trouble.

so while i still have complaints due to the pains that recur i feel still that i am improving.


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Yes, I took my blanket off, I washed it, put it back on my bed and got under it.

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I am high functioning and almost recovered. I don’t get delusions, hallucinations or paranoia anymore. Some of the only things I have trouble with or can’t do well now are anxiety, talking and being creative or witty (possibly all connected in a way). I sometimes have bad memories come to me but they are less common now. I haven’t felt depressed in over 6 weeks so I think that’s gone. I think I’m one of the lucky sz people


im in very similar position @Sherriff
i consider myself very lucky too
anxiety and poor rapport and verbal fluency (or whatever those things are called) are still bothering me
negatives and cognitives are making me nonfunctional pretty much
but hey no positives!

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