I started watching tv lately and noticed that they send the same commercials tons of times over and over. It’s annoying. There ought to be a law…
They address us as stupid consumers not as humans
Yeah, it is kind of unethical. If the same company at least had made a handful of different commercials it would be a lot less annoying. And why do they cut frame every second? Is that supposed to be cool or something. It annoys the heck out of me.
In a way. They want us to buy things we don’t necessarily need.
Advertisements tend to fund majority of media.
I have read experiences of people who moved to US due to work or something else telling about commercials. It is possible adverts over there are more annoying.
You guys likely have regulatory authority to complain to.
Since last few years Indian Broadcasting authority has made it mandatory for TV channels to show timer in corner telling viewer when commercials will end.
the consummer is assumed dumb because they watch tv
I think they work somewhat, if they didn’t work at all corporations wouldn’t spend millions of dollars advertising their products. Commercials rarely work on me, they don’t usually convince me to buy something. Sometimes they pique my interest in something and I’ll do further research.
The vast majority of stuff I own was not bought because of a commercial.
Also speaking from experience I find word of mouth advertising works the best. I freelance as computer technician. A long time ago I put an ad in a local computer magazine/paper and got no responses, but I’ve had referrals that led to more business. People tend to trust what their family, friends and business associates have to say about something more than a random advertisement.
I dont watch broadcast tv, cos i ruddy hate commercials, and i refuse to pay the BBC for a licence. Streaming with an Adblocker usually and youtube premium.
There are a few that ive seen - that i will actually refuse to buy their product if ive had it shoved down my throat 20 times in an hour and i will boycott them.
They want you to be conditioned to that “jingle” in an attempt for them to spring to your mind when your in the supermarket. Dont work with me mate.
I mean yes
They are designed to sell you the product. To male you want to buy it regardless of if you need it etc.
Buy buy buy. It’s pretty crazy
Everything is brainwashing you all the time
Advertising and marketing shove capitalistic dream garbage down your throat everywhere you turn.
Just try and only do and discover what interests you.
Don’t let these mesmerising and trance like dreams make you buy into lining the pockets of other people
Yeah, commercials rarely work on me either. At least not expensive stuff. I might get a little curious if they come up with a new chocolate or ice cream or something like that, but it doesen’t make me buy more snacks, but I might try it just to see if it’s good. Guess I have a sweet tooth.
whos shirt you wearing now
People tend to buy brands they’ve heard of, even if they know nothing about them.
If you see the same ad enough times, you might subconsciously remember that name when faced with a shelf full of products, and choose that one.
My girlfriend and I gave up watching regular TV years ago commercialism and schizoaffective don’t mix well we find other things to watch movies without commercials YouTube Weather Channel occasionally but the more sensitivity you cut down on the better off you feel
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