Are all schizophrenics intelligent

Yea I guess my photos look like I’m hot. Trust me thou, I’m just average or normal or whatever it is called

Perhaps even ugly but I don’t care how I look too much

Some schizophrenics have IQs below 70.

Around here we have group houses for the mentally ill. They also have group homes for those with low intelligence. In the group homes for those with low intelligence, about half the residents take psych meds.


It’s the biggest guide to outcomes.

It’s the biggest guide to your outcome in life as well, unless you are endowed with either specatular looks or athletic ability instead.

Nope, don’t think so. I’m stoopid!

That goes without saying…

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humans are intelligent life
schizophrenics are human
therefore schizos are intelligent life

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I think my IQ went down a little when they put me on an antipsychotic, but I recovered what I lost. It just took a little time.

There are different kinds of intelligence.

IQ tests only go so far.

That being said, I’ve suffered a cognitive impairment over the years.

Memory issues, mostly.

I don’t want to insult you but that’s an ironic question.

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Yes, schizophrenia and the pills prescribed will slow you down. Does that mean you can’t learn, enjoy, and excel at tasks that revolve around those attributes, no. I will spend upwards of 5 minutes re-reading a Stephen King book page over and over again and again until I memorize it because I don’t trust my attention span. I also have OCD as well but that makes me no different from you. You can do anything you set your mind to don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Stay persistent and your mind will adjust itself to what goals you want to achieve for yourself. Never give up on yourself. Also, don’t let the intimidation of being on heavy meds dictate your life. I’m on max does of a lot of my meds and I say F U to that, never let your medicine control what you can do. Fight it! no matter how much energy it takes.

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I was a lot smarter and book smart before my illness…forgot it all now…my career in architecture that is…

Ya I’m not going to lie, I feel legit mentally disabled. I mean I have been on disability since age 19. In my opinion, (which doesn’t mean ■■■■, :smile: ) we just take a bit longer to understand things in general. That doesn’t mean we are less intelligent; we just process fight or flight more than thinking about problems and anything cognitive. Our brains are just preoccupied for survival instead of solving problems and ■■■■.

just my opinion though

That’s a joke. Most schizophrenics are not intelligent

IMO many of us with schizophrenia/schizo-affective who are intelligent can have difficulty applying it to real life problems/tasks.

I think we need to not judge ourselves or others. We need to be kind and gentle to ourselves. Everyone has there pace and ability to work. Often times it is a matter of finding what works.

All schizophrenics aren’t intelligent I think. But another question is if schizophrenics are more intelligent on average, that may be the case, who knows. Don’t know about any studies on this.

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