Could someone please explain what having cognitive symptoms in Schizophrenia are like?
I think there’s something to do with alogia for example. There are problems related to concentration (difficulties in paying attention to a conversation for example), memory and decision making.
Thanks @brugluiz. These symptoms can be debilitating right? I mean if you can’t concentrate or think clearly how can you function?
Is this why my memory is so bad?! And my difficulty concentrating?! So much just started making sense!
I can’t figure out why I am having trouble doing anything, like focusing or paying attention. I don’t know if it’s depression or the so called cognitive symptoms.
Btw. I just checked your profile and it said you were from florianopolis Brazil. That’s cool man home of Giselle Bundachen, and these two brothers I used to work with at the Ritz Carlton in Colorado who used to always tell me how beautiful the women were there because it was different from the rest of Brazil. Leo and Rafi were their names.
This guy seems to explain it pretty well:
Cognitive problems is hard to concentrate. I have cognitive problems. Because I can’t concentrate I have a very hard time reading long posts.
That is why I am so happy when people make spaces in their posts. Like this.
Inability to focus, memory problems, problems planning your day can be cognitive problems.
I think everyone who doesn’t work has problems planning their day. I mean there’s only so much you can’t do. I never gave that one much thought. Thanks @Comatose
I have racing thoughts… which means a few things.
When your mind is occupied with these thoughts all the time…
It’s hard to be aware of other things, you mind is occupied.
It’s hard for memories to arise, when your conscious mind is already occupied.
I sometimes go into a room and forget why I went in there, like someone who is senile. My mind is too busy with racing thoughts to remember why I went in there.
Maybe most importantly I don’t ‘digest’ experiences…
It’s important to digest experiences and make them part of you, or things get screwy…
Edit: I’d like to slow down, but… it’s not ez. Or perhaps even possible.
That sounds more or less like what I’ve got too. My thoughts are jumbled, they race, or I have intrusive thoughts that keep my socially isolated. The part about digesting experiences is that a cognitive symptom ? I usually feel better after I do something but that feeling doesn’t last and I get no internal benefit from it. I was just thinking that tonight . It’s another reason I choose not to go out.
Good video that about sums it up is right wow this is rough
i’m not sure MG1 i think it’s hard to digest experiences when your mind is filled with racing thoughts. i think it requires a calm mind.
I am unable to conceptualize for one thing. I lack imagination where imagination is called for.
Long time haven’t seen your post, martin.
You’re welcome . Yeah, I think these symptoms are the most debilitating. I don’t know yet how I will deal with a job interview because of my alogia.
My pdoc said to me that I should read books and do crosswords in order to better my alogia. Maybe it can improve concentration as well.
Yeah, I was born in Florianópolis and I love this city. It’s plenty of beautiful women and there is a lot of beautiful beaches . I really think Florianópolis is incredible.
How are things in Colorado?
That’s great to hear @brugluiz. They spoke very highly of it there, just like you said. How it’s beautiful and lots of pretty girls.
Colorado is nice, it’s very cold and we all lived in a ski town called Aspen. You may have heard of it and you may be familiar with the Jim Carey movie Dumb and Dumber which takes place there. It is mostly a town full of seasonal employees for the winter. Many from Brazil and South America because the seasons are in reverse. They would come work here in the winter and then go back home to ski and snowboard year round. It’s a lot of fun. Especially if you like outdoor sports. Well that was 8 years ago and I was well then, a lot has changed but I still plan on visiting. It’s funny though we had many conversations about Florianopolis, and these two guys were always very light hearted and up for a good time. There’s a large Brazilian community here in the states. My ex girlfriend was from Ariguari. So I’ve had the pleasure of going to a few Brazilian BBQs.
On another note I’ve found that with Alogia I may not be the best at speaking but I can write still, sometimes really well because I have a lot to say. Maybe a job where you have to write more and interact less with actual people could be a good idea.
Just a thought.
I get rapid flashing thoughts about horrible things. I can’t concentrate on anything when this is going on.