Apparently I've lost 10 pounds

All I’ve been doing is walking my dog and eating a little less but I was 248 lbs at the last doctors visit and today I weighed in at 238.8 lbs. I had no idea I was making that big of an impact.


Congrats on the weight loss try to eat one meal a day no snacking and cut out sugar


Great job!!! I love that it was mostly effortless. You’re so lucky


I just had too much sugar, feeling hyper, not a good thing.

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Thanks @anon80490300 and @CoCo


Nice ! @Bowens


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Thanks @DNA !

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There’s a documentary on YouTube called “the secrets of sugar” that I watched last night it was really good

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That’s really great news. Well done you

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What did it say? Sugar is bad?


Thank you @Zoe !

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Pretty much scientists are linking sugar to diabetes, heart disease , cancer and alzhiemers

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Well done, and I bet your doggie is happy too

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Thank you @Ribbon !

Well they werent saying it causes cancer anyways but that it affected how well you fight cancer if you already have it

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Is it the CBC news one? I saw one for a bit earlier from CBC news The secrets of sugar.

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Well done @Bowens!

Thank you @anon44466342 !

Yes! Its the CBC news one

Good going @Bowens!
Good for you!

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