Apologies are in order

I wanted to apologize for any of my mention of suicidal thoughts or feelings. I never meant to give off the vibe that I was promoting these in any way. I feel like I’ve also tried to share all of my reasons to fight those feelings, and how I overcome them. Any time I mentioned them I was merely trying to be open and honest like I would with any other thing I experience.

My goal was to show that even though at times I feel that way I’ve found a thousand reasons to live despite that. I don’t want to be a downer, that’s just not my intention at all. Life is a valuable thing and I respect it a great deal.

Sorry guys.


Probably best left unsaid. I think they’re trying to keep the front page clear of suicidal stuff.

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I just felt bad is all. My goal is to help people feel better and I wasn’t contributing.

Anyhow I’ll shut up now and go back to my netflixing heh

No matter, what you said, we will always love you!


We all have some dark moments in our lives. I try to keep my postings positive and when I am depressed I do not post at all because I do not want other people becoming depressed. There are certain things that I rather share in my regular psych meetings than here on the forum. In the past my voices have triggered some depressive mind processes which I am aware of, which is why I try to be positive and optimistic even during the times of the moments of darkness.

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Exactly and I feel like I wasn’t thinking straight, was just word vomiting and not thinking about how that would affect others. I’m gonna try to be more positive from here on out though :sunny: