An apology 😔

Hey guys. I really try to be a positive member of the forum, but I know that my behavior has become rather toxic as of late. I feel like it’s not fair that I got better rather quickly while others have been struggling for years, and that weighs very heavily on me. I try to help, I really do, to make sure that everyone here feels safe, supported, and loved, but I also like to have serious discussions and mess with people.

Yes, there are peope that I don’t like here (like, at all), and though I try to make sure that no one knows who they are, I’ve been fu cking it up as of late. I feel like I’m in the f’ing Titanic, trying to save as many people as I can, but sometimes at the expense of others. Defending people, but also reprimanding people, feeling like, if I don’t say anything about a person’s behavior and then said person ends up in trouble because of such behavior, it’s my fault, a feeling that’s nearly as selfless as it is arrogant; narcissistic, even.

So, with all of that said, I deeply apologize to those who got the short end of my arrogant martyr stick. @John_Raven @Lifer, @anon35453467, @firemonkey, to name a recent few. As I’ve said before, I’m no saint and I don’t pretend to be… Or at least, I try not to pretend to be. I know that I’m no one’s boss, but my conscience doesn’t see it that way. I will try to be better. I always try to be better.


love you bro, dont worry everyone makes mistakes. its really mature that you decided to apologize to those people

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Aww, I love you too. Thanks, I appreciate your kindness. :hugs:

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Yeah I’ve noticed you’ve been more outspoken lately. It’s good though. Your contributing more. And most of your posts are on point. Sometimes I’ll have a meanstreak but it’s mostly developed out of lack of compassion. Basically meaning I am hard on myself so I am hard on others. Which I’m working on. In my spiritual practices I’ve learned that I am not supposed to have compassion because it’s useless and make ones integrity weak. But I am learning new things that it might be useful. Also I agreed with myself to never try and hit below the belt. Always keep it per situation at hand. Sorry maybe I am over sharing.


Hey, yeah that outspoken thing makes sense. When I’m not sick, I am an extravert. Hell, when I am sick, I’m an extravert, but it sucks because I don’t know who to trust.

Eh, I’m beginning to realize that that doesn’t matter. That it’s not about being right, it’s about being helpful and encouraging. I get so caught up in proving that I’m not an idiot or a bad person that I forget it’s about the person needing the help, not my conscience. Guilt is everywhere, it seems, and boy am swimming in it. There’s just this spiral, and… just ugh. :confounded:

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well I’ve always liked your posts…I wouldn’t worry too much…there’s always gonna be people that make you mad.


You say certain things so I don’t have to. Sometimes I am about to respond and you get there first. It’s nice having a level head on the forum.

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I’ve been there before and it’s big of you to admit it. Get your head right and move forward.

I secretly don’t mind a bit of conflict sometimes. I know that is shitty but it breaks up the board a bit and reminds me of the old days. Pretty dumb but I do find your work to be constructive sometimes. In a supportive environment probably not the best but I do admire you for your courage!

You have nothing to apologise for. You should see some other boards and you’ll understand the bar here for bad behaviour is ridiculously low.

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@Sardonic We all have our off days/periods.

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Nobody’s perfect. We all have our moments when we could handle things better. You are a very helpful and supportive member here. Don’t beat yourself up over it.

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I think you are amazing just the way you are. Sometimes we make mistakes and don’t say the words we mean, but that’s okay because we have a chance to change ourselves and be a better person the next day. Your contribution is very valued on this site. Please keep posting, friend. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I already forgave you.

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no worries! apology accepted.

Out of curiosity, are you male or female @Sardonic?

Sorry for the delay. I am female, though I don’t really mind being thought of as a boy either. It’s whatever you want to call me.

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