Apparently it doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier so I can’t see how it’s supposed to work.
Is anyone using it? How do you find it?
Apparently it doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier so I can’t see how it’s supposed to work.
Is anyone using it? How do you find it?
I just ordered some to see if it helps me sleep. But I’ve never tried it before.
I’ve taken prescription gabapentin for anxiety but I was afraid to go up to the high dose the pdoc prescribed. I tried a lower dose but it didn’t have any impact on my anxiety.
I looked at the side effects of gabapentin previously and they put me off, so I don’t blame you for being put off by the higher dose.
I’m basically on the hunt for a supplement that might increase gaba in some way.
Beta Alanine acts in the same way as gabapentin but I had to stop it as it was causing me physical problems. Which is a shame as it worked really well.
I also read gaba doesn’t cross the BBB.
But I heard in Russia they prescribe a thing called picamilon. Is gaba attached to niacin. The niacin attachment allows the gaba to cross the BBB.
I think you can buy picamilon as a legal supplement in some countries. But it kinda strikes me as more of an unregulated med in the west
careful with gaba supplements because you might get physically dependant on it. Phenibut does this but I think it might be similar to a benzo.
I bought GABA from now foods brand. No effect at all. If you are looking for something to reduce anxiety then phosphatidylserine is best. It have proven benefits for improving memory and also instantly calms down. Its bit expensive but very effective. It comes in soy and sunflower version. Soy version more useful particularly for improving memory.
You need phenibut. It’s gaba that crosses the bbb.
If that’s what you’re looking for.
Thanks. But phenibut is basically a Russian med. I don’t think you can get it in Europe. But I wouldn’t risk it anyway. I’ve no idea how it’s available online !
I would be careful trying it. It may possibly interact with ap’s at high doses.
You can boost gaba indirectly by consuming glutamate and vitamin b6 together.
Glutamate does the opposite of gaba. Excess glutamate is linked to many mental diseases like OCD, anxiety and even psychosis.