Man a wave of anxiety came over me 20 minutes ago

Pretty sure it has passed now but it pretty much came out of nowhere.

Was horrible


For me, I find anxiety worse than delusions

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I really hate those. They just build our of nowhere for no reason at all. You okay now?


Am good now buddy. Thanks

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Anxiety is horrible, it can be really crippling. My anxiety was getting out of hand in recent times so my psychiatrist prescribed pregabalin. It’s not addictive like benzos, you take it every day. It’s really helped me, it might be worth asking about if anxiety is a frequent issue for you.


I’m taking beta alanine for anxiety but I’ve no idea if it’s safe long term. I’ll have blood tests in January so I’ll see then. I’m a complete guinea pig.

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Can I ask what dose of pregabalin you take? I take 100mg twice a day.

I just try and live with it, it can be hard but I think I can cope better now, still get it though, I just know more about what I can deal with :slightly_smiling_face:

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I take gabapentin for anxiety. It seems to work ok. I haven’t been dealing with as much anxiety since i’ve been on it.

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I’m taking 150mg in the morning and 100mg at night. I still get some anxiety but it’s a hell of a lot better than it was.

I used to be anxiety ball but now I’m like the calmest person in the world. The secret to it is olanzapine and prozac combo.

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what @anon62371846

interesting choice of words on posts.

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My secret to less anxiety was seitching drs and new dr stopping perscribed benzos And therapy. Made a night and day difference

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