Thanks. It’s a bit tough with the baggage people like us carry. “Oh…and by the way…I have psychosis”. You know what I mean…but it doesen’t make the task impossible, just harder. You have to find someone who is a match AND accepts that your life is not state of the art.
But then again I guess almost everyone has some baggage with them. I’ll carry yours if you’ll carry mine I’ll say to them
Yes very much so . Bullying at school that was a catalyst for mental health problems. That was then followed by mental health professionals who thought being judgemental was an acceptable alternative to providing quality help and support. I’ve learnt that such hostile and judgemental treatment is all too common for those of us later dxed as being on the spectrum.
My mental health team,here in Wiltshire, are a breath of fresh air compared to what I had in Essex.
I had a really nice job but had my first episode there and it set my career back years. I did truly embarrassing things at my place of work
The memories come back and I feel awful. So hard to let them go but they get weaker as time goes by and I obsess over it a lot less when it does pop into my head.
I try to unpack as much of that baggage as I’m able to. It’s too heavy to carry around for your entire life and I have much more positive things I’d rather spend my energy on.
I ruminate alot about the past. Things people have said, rumors and gossip that has been spread about me. Friends that didn’t care about me and who treated me like ■■■■. I try to forget about it but it’s hard sometimes.