The Mental Illness Charity that I’m dealing with provides affordable Housing and also has me hooked up with a Behavioral Health Counselor/Case Manager.
The Case Manager helps me with goals and also helps me with other issues I might be having.
They also drive me to appointments and go shopping with me if needed etc…
Does anyone else work with a Case Manager?
Do you find it helpful?
So far it’s been a very helpful experience for me.
Is the case manager part of the charity or something else ? That sounds like a great service.
The nearest I’ve come to that was having a social worker. I’d just meet him for a coffee every week. He’d check to make sure I was still sane. He was a nice guy.
Medicaid here signed me up for care select and md wise. through md wise I have a case manager but she hasn’t called in about a month. its a good thing you got a case manger through that charity.
I had one and was not very keen on her.
She had a attitude problem and was always trying to supress me and i think she did nothing that helped me on contrary.
Some people just dont go together.
Maybe if i had another person i would of been helped and felt better about it.
But most people seem to dislike me .
I would not want a case manager.
Not for me.
No way.
They do more damage than good for me.
But as said if it was a different person with different attitude and who i got along well with maybe i would feel differently.
Depends on who the case manager is and how they get along with that individual.
I used to be a case manager. I loved feeling like I was actually helping people. I would take them shopping for new clothes/shoes, help them organize their rooms, and have meetings with their therapists and doctors about how best to serve them. It was awesome work.
There are so many good people in this world, that judging and labeling them as they are all the same is not fair. I hope so lol…
What I find about ones that I’ve dealt, (one 3 month, the other 6 month) they very intrusive, very manipulatative, feels like probably half of them working the job because it pays the bill. But their heads is not in the game.
Also don’t overlook the facts about cases where people gets assaulted, and taken advantage off, because patient is in vulnerable state, other (immature) people percieve them as a victim so they unleash on sick people, and I’m not talking just physical, but brainwashing you as well, those are disgusting animals.
I have a clinician through my psych program that is very similar to a case manager. She helps me with services, checks in on me once a week and texts me a few other times, she even helped me get insurance to pay for a housekeeper/care giver type person! Before I had my baby she would drive me places, like to go shopping or just get a coffee, that sort of thing. It’s really awesome. I love the program I’m in.
I had a case manager all through my teens. And a TSS worker that went to school with me during 9th grade. Then in 2010 when I got sick I had a case worker. I had her for a couple of years until I became more independent. They’re great to have when you need them. I’m glad to say I have gotten to a point where I don’t need one. Recovery has its ups and downs though so you can’t get too cocky.
That’s very unfortunate, I’m sorry to hear that. But also never disregard your instincts, we designed to detect bad vibes, that’s very normal reaction if someone emits bad energy towards us.
I suppose you are right, getting to know someone and not letting guard down is a good see through.
I had a case manager a few years ago. She would only badger me about trivial stuff. Never once took me out, or even had lunch with me to get to know me. She was part of a “package deal” I got from the county MH services. Their “Services” were crap (as might be expected, seeing as to how it was a county operation), and the psych nurse was on a power trip. Didn’t even get a “real” pdoc. I dropped the whole shebang with a handwritten note.
actually my pdoc just told me today i need to get a case manager, he has been saying that for a few months. I’m pretty independent and my wife is very supportive so I don’t see what the need would be. I am on ssdi and not working so maybe a social life but I don’t want a case manager as a social life either. I’m not sure what to do
I’ve two atm. No idea what one of them has in the ways of qualifications but the other is an occupational therapist.
Ones involved with the clinic I see my pdoc with (the ot). The others part of a recovery based program and only have her for like 13 weeks but generally got on well before we met formally.