Ive been assigned a Case Manager, he is coming to visit me today.
What exactly are their roles, do they help?
What can I expect?
I have never been assigned a Case Manager before.
It’s Sunday, is the case manager working this holiday weekend?
Yes, I guess so.
I just joined the Charity (Organization)
They want me to start right away
@NiceHat do you know if they are helpful?
When I had a case manager I didn’t really need it. She kept track of my appts, found me a food pantry and we met once a month to just talk/conversate. I had my own transportation but she would have hooked me up for appts, shopping and outings.
Oh thanks @Skims
That was very helpful
You are a Gem
I think I was just assigned one because I was out of the hospital for the forth time and newly diagnosed.
I don’t know as I’ve not had one
I am provided with a wide variety of different services through this charity that I signed up with.
Providing me with a case worker is a part of the deal
Perhaps it affiliated with a church so case worker reaching out on Sunday
No it’s not affiliated with a church.
I think that it has to do with my brother being a big shot (board member) at the charity.
The one I had a couple of decades back helped me get put on disability and find a place to live. Things I couldn’t do on my own.
I have a case manager. It’s like an unlicensed therapist and they do apartment inspections for me. I figure one day I may be a case manager for a career.
Thanks @shutterbug …
Thanks @turningthepage, good luck with your career path
My temporary case manager stopped by today at my fathers house.
He was very nice and very young lol
He asked me a few questions and said that he will be driving me to my doctors appointments from now on.
He can wait in the waiting room for me if I want.
He can also come with me food shopping or clothes shopping or whatever I want to do with him.
That’s fantastic, @Wave! I’m glad you’ve got someone in your corner.
This is great news @Wave! You have an advocate! It’s about time you had someone working with and for you rather than against you. I hope everything works out really well for you, you deserve it!
I have been a case manager to others before. It’s a lot of paperwork, and a lot of driving people to and from places. I was in charge of making sure my clients had enough properly fitting clothes and shoes, making their doctor appointments, sorting out their Medicaid and disability paperwork, managing their finances, taking them shopping, and anything else they needed to live a decent life. I loved that job.
Sounds like fun
40k a year is what they make in my neck of the woods…which sounds good to me. I plan on getting my degree…becoming a case manager…do that for 5 years…go back to school after and become a therapist…in an ideal world.
With a social work degree you can be a therapist. There are so few psychologists in the world that social workers are starting to fill that role. Both my therapists are licensed social workers.