Do you have a case manager?

I signed up to receive case management again. To help with my life goals, education, employment, wellness, peer support. I hope I get approved.

I’m nervous and paranoid to trust them.

But I want to work again and finish my education. Maybe I could handle it without getting hospitalized.


Thats good , i dont have one.

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I have 2 case managers, there really supportive and kind.


I had one in the past. It helped some.

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I have one. She’s nice. She offered to help me find some assistance I need outside the county mental health place I go to because of the long wait to get those services. That was really nice of her. But I declined and waited, and now I’m getting most of those services

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I have a counselor who also acts as a case manager.
She is offered to me by the mental health organization I belong to.

This is on top of my regular therapist who is a social worker.

Yeah I’ve got a lot of support


I got one a long time ago.
He was very helpful with a lot of unpayed bills.
Contact them, pay the bills.

I had no health-insurance when i got into hospital, owner of a house, i told the doctors to let me out of the psychatry because i knew that i have to pay the days there from my own money.

So they let me stay in for a while, got a therapy afterward, not cheap.

The helicopter flight was most expensive, i jumped out of a window at the psychatry… …

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In Trinidad public health out patient clinic I dont think we use the term case manager. We have psychiatrist, nurse, mental health officer and social worker.


They are called “lead practitioners” over here in the uk.

About as helpful as an ashtray on a motorbike.


What do mental health officers do?

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yes as i go to the mental health center and am in ACT team. yes i have one.

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I don’t know the full but this is what I gather that they do: they collect the meds from the main pharmacy in another town, make sure appointments are being kept, talk to the public, be a liasson between patients and doctors and the system, make sure files are in order, make observations and ask questions, and give injections.


@mangojuice About half of that is what a case manager does. But case managers don’t give injections.


I have a care coordinator who is a learning disability nurse. Also have a social worker. Plus my group home staff which are there 24/7.

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I do, and he’s useless

The person I had before was good

This guy never returns messages or calls

Last time I asked him to get advice from the doctor, it took 4 weeks for an answer

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Mine is okay, but he’s slow with medication, he always waits till im fed up of asking to make any changes.

Otherwise hes alright, quite supportive in person. Which counts. Has a helpful effect.

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