Anyone else talk to themselves a lot?

That was rude. Don’t be rude.

I used to do that, but I don’t even do that on Abilify. And It doesn’t feel natural not to do it.

In fact for my first hospitalisation the hospital psychiatrist asked me do I have conversations in my head and I said “doesn’t everybody?”

I do find myself having imaginary conversations with other people though on occasion.

The nearest I come to having a conversation with myself is a little internal monologue now.

Same here I didn’t know that was unusual.

Ok @anon55031185 no worries

I talked aloud a lot about what I was thinking on Vraylar, when I became manic in 2016.

Otherwise my thoughts are in my head.

Many times I’ll overthink things

Soz for getting your goat up @R00nT00n I was trying to say that talking to oneself is a sign of loneliness.

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Why have you removed my comment @anon55031185? It was relevant and not at all offensive.

Dont stop posting @R00nT00n your questions for the group are alwyas good

It came off as sarcastic, and apparently offended the op.

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If I really have to explain beyond your defensive response you’re portraying here and your “whatever” comment when I said you sounded condescending, you’ve pretty much just explained my own point for me. I don’t feel I owe you an explanation. If this is the kind of energy you’re going to come at me and my posts with, please just don’t respond to my posts or comments. Thanks.


I never used to, but have been doing so a bit over the last few years.

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