When you talk to yourself what do you talk about?

I talk to myself all the time. To clarify, I speak out loud when I talk to myself. I try to only do it in private. I generally talk to myself to calm myself or while trying figure something out.

Does anyone else do this? And what do you talk to yourself about?

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I used to but not anymore. I noticed that when I was having thoughts of shame or embarassement I would say outloud “the crazy person”, but then I started noticing I did a lot of that and that didn’t seem healthy for me so I stopped it too.

Now I hardly ever say a word, although I kind of miss talking to myself sometimes.


Is talking to yourself part of SZ? I was just diagnosed in June, so all of this is so new to me.

I don’t think so, I’m back living with my mom and I notice she talks to herself a lot. I just stopped it because I noticed it was unhealthy, I used to daydream outloud a lot, and rehearse imaginary situations. Lived in my fantasy land. Now I still daydream but in my head.

One of the things is that, when I was full blown psychotic I talked to myself on the street and all the time at home, it was uncontrolable. I even remember when it started. Then to stop it was a triumph because I was so used to it. I feel like that’s one of the things that reminds me I’m crazy you know. Of course right now I’m not, but if I start talking to myself again in an unhealthy way I think I would think it as a sign of relapse.

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How dumb can I be, girls can’t do anything, why bother- you’re just a dumb girl, why waste money on a dumb girl like you,
You’re so stupid, how did you get this far in life?

Stuff along those lines.
Then if I’m by myself (hopefully) anythin heard isn’t current, but many years past in conversations heard, involved in, and improved.

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I actually talk to myself about imaginary situations as well! I wonder if that’s common? I also daydream a lot.

I’m glad you are doing so well; that is fantastic!

By the way, I have to tell you how fantastic your English is. I’m not sure if you were raised in the US and moved to Portugal or if English is spoken a lot in Portugal, but it’s really good. Heck, it’s better than mine. LOL!

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Eheh. I just think it’s unhealthy for me, it might not be for you. I need to focus on hard things now, school, paying off my debt, being socially apt as well. Can’t keep living in fantasy land. But if I was sitting at home doing nothing and not bothering anyone I wouldn’t mind being a little crazy about it really.

I was born in China so I learned and spoke english there, thank you. I try to speak proper english! :smile:

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Wow! So you are really hard on yourself.

Do you have voices that say negative things to you as well?

15 15 15 15 and is that enough character’s now so I can reply??

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I talk to myself and occationally to the voices. Mostly when I’m alone.

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I argue with my reflection and then just let free association loose, I just let my stream of consciousness out.

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I always run through imaginary situations in my head and talk them out loud. Not sure why I do this but it’s just something I’ve always done. It’s like I’m preparing myself for whatever situation I might find myself in so I’m not struggling to find the words when the situation actually happens.

I have quite a bit of thought-insertion as well. They feel so foreign to me I usually end up yelling “Get out of my head!”…then I become self-conscious and look to see if anyone was listening.

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the weather…

I talk to myself when driving.

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Same here. I forget what I’m doing and often get pretty animated. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It is an emotional response of the unappetizing thoughts that are known to pop up in a sick persons head. They are siad to be put in by the government, aliens or god which are all delusions

I got caught by a friend talking to myself at a stoplight. I felt like a total idiot.

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Yes, I do it to calm myself too. Often I will start sentences out loud and end them in my head. Sometimes I do it inadvertently around others and then have to explain that I’m just talking to myself.

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I talk about my cats :scream_cat: it’s kind of horrifying. Mainly about how much I like them. Sometimes I talk about how much I hate my job. Sometimes I replay situations in my head and respond to or comment on them. I try not to do this in public. In the car is okay, everyone talks to themselves in the car. And at home is okay, because then you are talking to the cat.


Ahahah this is so you