Do any of you guys talk to yourself a lot?

Is it safe talking to your self when you have a mental illness? I talk to my self sometimes a lot just to keep myself up but I feel like some people are bothered by it and I don’t get it I’m just trying to keep my mind right what’s so wrong about it. I’m not crazy or anything I just need to think right and by talking to my self I feel better


I don’t talk to myself, also I have no “internal dialogue”, i.e. I don’t talk to myself in my head. I used to have an internal dialogue, but since on abilify, even that’s gone…

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with talking to yourself, but if you do it while others are around, then that might be a problem.

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But if I don’t talk to myself around others I have these crazy thoughts and it’s scary i also get a lot of anxiety if I don’t talk to myself

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Sorry to hear that. Have you spoken to your doctor about it? If so what did they say?

Have you tried wearing headphones and listening to music on them maybe? That might help.

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I haven’t been able to cause I just got a new job so I had to push back the appointments.

That’s even worse I can’t focus on the music cause I feel like people are talking about me and I can’t take it

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Everyone, mentally ill or not, talks to themselves.

I am my main coversational partner :slight_smile:


If the paranoia is that bad, you should definitely bring all this up with your doctor. I wish you luck, I hope it all turns out well for you.

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Yeah I’ll let my doctor know thanks for the help


Do you talk to yourself around others?

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Nope I try not to. That’s seen more as strange I feel like :confused: Talking to yourself is on that list of things that everyone does but you’re supposed to do it when you’re alone lol. Social rules are weird.

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So I’m just supposed to let my mind take over and just let it be

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You be you, that’s what I say. If talking to yourself in public helps you cope then screw what other people think.


I don’t talk to myself out loud, I do a lot of thinking though and can go on for hours, sometimes it can be repetitive, like a loop over and over

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When I talk to myself I feel like I just solved the sz problem.

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I talk out loud to myself in front of other people. I get weird looks from some people too, but I can usually play it off like it was a joke or something. I try not to do it, but sometimes I just can’t help it.