Anyone else got cats?

i got 2
i love em
Still miss my first true love though



Same here.
Same here.
Same here :broken_heart:


I got 1 and my sister has 1 that I kind of consider my own.


They’re great xx

I think i would love a dog if they didn’t smell and gave you a few hours of peace every now and then - soooo needy

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We have dogs, but they’re my partner’s, not mine. She deals with the neediness and noisiness, and I can retire happily to my much more chill cats :cat:

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Same here, two cats. A geriatric big kitten, and a feisty energetic young kitten.


Had a 18mth long haired domestic that went awol about 5/6 years ago haven’t the heart to replace him. Cats have always been a peace of mind thing for me. Urban legend is they can see into the other realm so if the cats not responding to what I was seeing I knew I was hallucinating.

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my 2 are a bonded male pair from different litters at the breeder - we got them as unwanted cats second hand though… paid for them but not a lot

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one of them is the silliest cat i’ve ever met - the other is extremely independent and the boss

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Picci, my eldest :smile:, is the final boss, he’s very gentle, sweet and fearful of everything and everyone but he has the final word of everything around here. Flash is the new kid in town, she’s trying to overthrow Picci out of his trone but without much luck :smile:

I play hide and seek with her, and fetch. I’m teaching her to be at the window without jumping, with good results, she’s afraid of the wind.

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i like 3 way tennis the best
and pokey paws
not all cats do those games xxxx :slight_smile:

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Can’t have pets…but the neighbors cat comes to visit me when I’m outside often enough he might as well be part of the family…and thank god he doesn’t spray anything around the house…that would be a deal breaker…

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hopefully him balls came off a long time ago

Oh no he’s still got em…I once ran off some coyotes that were after him…so I like to think that’s why he doesn’t spray…but idk lol


I have one cat.

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Yesterday I searched on internet if Rabies can cause Schizophrenia and

found that Cat Crap can cause Psychosis because of some parasite I guess.

I don’t remember.

So be careful friends.

would it be wrong to keep cats if you only live in a small appartment with no garden or access to one? I enjoy my friends’ cats but not sure if I will be able to care for one myself.

Picci hates the outdoors for example. Flash is being trained on how not to go outdoor, there’s a plague of feline aids going around the stray cat’s community here and I don’t want her to catch it.

If you are considering adopting a cat, think that you’ll have at least 15 years with him/her, you’ll need to have money to spend on vet every year at least, good quality food and litter, toys.

Love and affection are the must, but not all. You’ll need to spend time home with him or her, if you go out and spend a lot of time out of the house it’s best if you don’t get one, it’s sad for them.

If you get hospitalized, is there someone who can take care of them?

yeah that’s also a main worry. I would spend the night somewhere else every other week or so, and no friends/family live close enough to come by just to check on the cat… probably not a good idea. Besides, even the plants I owned all died on me :flushed: