Hi. I just switched meds from Depixol to Risberidone. What’s other people’s experience?
It was too strong for me, even at 1mg I couldn’t get up from bed and had nausea and headaches.
Oh no. I’m on 2 mg. Did you feel tired on it?
Yes but don’t worry too much, side effects are subjective, some people are fine even at 8-12mg of it.
Try it and see how you react.
Thanks. I’ve just taken 1mg an hour ago. Feel the same so far.
It was okay. Didn’t hate it but I came off it as it made it really difficult to get up in the morning.
My grandmother was on 1mg too for dementia and it was like placebo for her.
I started on risperidone and was switched to Invega. Wishing you the best of luck!!
Why did u switch?
Because Invega is “ the improved” version of ridperidone according to that pdoc. Both drugs are similar but Invega is the newer one,
Oh right. Ffgffbff
My pdoc knew that Invega was very bad for me and still put me on risperidone.
Pdocs make mistakes. There human but will never admit that.
i am on 2 mg respiradone
good make me stable
Do you have side effects @saynow?
untill now no
thanks goodness
Any weight gain?
this the first week on respiradone
It’s my first day
dont worry it has good reputation
in drug market
dont worry