Yes but I hated it and switched. Also I’ve been on paliperidone which is similar to it. However my prolactin went very very high. I’m on aripiprazole now.
Risperidone was a good med for me. I’m on amisulpride now which works very well too. Those two meds worked the best for me.
What was good about Risberidone?
It helped with my positive and negative symptoms. When I first took it in 2005, I went into remission and two years later stopped my meds
After my relapse five years later I resumed it but discontinued it due to it being expensive. But had to take AP’S again soon after when in hospital because my moods were all over the place and i was aggressive and heard voices occasionally. They put me on amisulpride. That was 2013.
Amisulpride is expensive too but also worked well too so I stuck with it.
Without AP’S my moods swing wildly and I hear voices more and Alien the evil spirit in my head tries to control me. I get more suspicious of others too.
Risperidone worked well for me. My mind was a mess and it really pulled me out. I did have to keep increasing my dose though. It can make you feel flat, and I also gained some weight.
But I was amazed at how quick and effective it was.
I still had positive symptoms while on risperidone but now I’m on invega and they went away
favorite med but i switch made me gain but i felt great on it.