I went through a divorce in America nearly 20 years ago. After this I have not even tried to have any serious relationships. A funny thing is that my former US wife’s lawyer asked where they should mail the divorce papers, but I have never received any papers.
I divorced my first husband. I’m happily married now
I don’t know whether I am divorced or not. Have had a property settlement back in 2014, but have never been served divorce papers.
I’m divorced.
I was married to a cheater and a thief.
She wasn’t a good person.
She also had a mi but it was undiagnosed.
I don’t think I’ll get married ever again.
Relationships make me unstable.
I’m divorced for nine years. I don’t think I will marry again. I’m 52 and I’m focusing on my sz and health. My ex-wife was not a good mix with my sz. She tried to control my treatment and interfered with my therapy she would focus on the drinking and tobacco issues. But when subject of voices and paranoia she would act scared of me. She labeled me as a monster ( I actually heard her tell the kids that).
I’m divorced. I’m also done with relationships.
As of this past February 1, I have been divorced for twenty years.
I have not tried to date since then.
I’ve been divorced since 2015… was married over 15 years. I don’t plan on doing THAT again.
I’m divorced. Never wanted to marry him in the first place. He basically moved himself into my house and wouldn’t leave. It wasn’t right us shacking up. For my daughter’s sake I married him. (I didn’t want her growing up seeing two unmarried people living together.)
Yes I am divorced.
I wanted to be married since I was young. I was such a hopeless romantic but my experience with marriage has left a bad taste in my mouth. My ex husband was a good dude but the circumstances of our marriage just made me angry with him.
He’s a very sweet man but he was very immature and we couldn’t have an intelligent conversation.
I got married at the age of 21 and was married for 12 years, before splitting up (very amicably) and divorcing. My husband was my best friend, but all the intimacy had gone from the relationship due to the strain my illness put on him, so it was only fair for both of us to come to terms with the fact that we were not going to regain the closeness we once had. I am now in the 5th year of my relationship with my boyfriend and things are going very well between us.
I’m divorced. Not in a relationship at present but that is cool by me. I like my lifestyle and it’s all good.
I too married an American woman. I still talk to her regularly. I made sure she filed the papers though. It took me a long time to get her to file for divorce!
There should be a singles dating app for this site there are enough members
So you married her just for a Green Card? Was it a business arrangement?
@rogueone. I think I read somewhere that you married her for a green card. I could be wrong.
No it was love. Had to get married quickly to stay in the country. Would have rather just kept it simple for longer but visa restrictions and red tape really are a pain. She was a little crazy and did some stupid things so in the end I ended up leaving. Took like 5 years or so to get her to file the papers. I still talk to her! So it was marriage for a green card but not so mercenary!
I got married in 1991. Divorced about 7 or 8 yrs later. I wasn’t dx as mentally ill until 2003. We had no children.
I still believe in relationships and marriage, but I have to concentrate on me, for now. I’m still hopeful, but it doesn’t define me, at all.
I am divorced…I live with Angie and we don’t want to marry. just probably life long partners without marriage, me and Angie…we love each other so it’s all good.
I divorced in the beginning of 2011. We were together since 1993. I regret it. I was severely manic. Wish I would’ve stayed but sometimes life works that way.
I’ve been divorced for about four or so years now.