Today a spirit came to me with a spiritual message for my life from a religion other than my own.
It is having a profound effect on me.
I like to learn about other religions so maybe that sparked it, I’m not sure.
It was so real! And profound!
And yes, I took my meds. And, no, I don’t have any intention to change my religion as a result. It’s not like that. Yet it still had a major impact on me today.
Has anyone else had something similar happen? What did you do about it?
Religious delusions are quite common for people with sz. I hope you aren’t heading towards psychosis.
I don’t think religion is good for humans, especially us with sz. You have every right to believe in what you want though. Just dont let it consume you.
I had it now on two occasion where I talked like a demon to the doctors. I think the doctors think I played it, but honestly that wasn’t me, it was like something from an unknown source