Any positive clozapine reviews?

I think im treatment resistant as ive tried almost all of them. So any input on this med? I hear people can have a 360 turn around on it.

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Clozapine is better for Schizoaffective than it is Schizophrenia. It’s better for mania than it is for depression.

I think Clozapine is a thousand time better than Risperdal. My joints felt rusty before on Risperdal. I could barely do anything. On Clozapine I can exercise a ton, but I’m still pretty hungry. It’s worth it though.

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I struggled with weight loss for years before I got my schizophrenia symptoms. What are the appetite effects like of clozapine? I guess there’s no magic bullet, huh?

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Clozapine does affect your appetite quite a bit. If you stick to healthy foods and exercise you will eventually reach your goals. :muscle:

For some reason i have literally no appetite on Clozapine

I can go the whole day whithout eating.

Olanzapine was the worst. I became the biggest fattie on the forum.

Now that im off that craap i feel much better.

Clozapine is my coolness !!!

Fox Out


How long were you on it before voices subsided?

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When im not consumed with these dreaded voices, im very active. In a slump

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I too gained alot on zyprexa and my paranoia got worse. Does clozapine help with paranoia? Voices? Delusions? How long till you saw improvement?

I’ve been on it a year and my voices haven’t completely subsided. I can’t remember exactly how bad they were a year ago. They do seem manageable now and don’t completely consume me.

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I tried literally every antipsychotic out there over the span of a few years and finally ended up on clozapine. Ive been on it for almost 3 years now i believe. It works well. I still have breakthrough symptoms but thats life i guess…it helps level me out for sure though…
I havent gained any weight from it either. Just drooling and of course it knocks you out when you take it. Im not complaining though because i have really bad insomnia and even other ap’s dont help me sleep enough.
The blood drawing gets old quick but you get used to it as a routine. Its nice bc my dr will check my clozapine levels in my blood and can adjust easily. She recently had to up my dose a bit. Im on 400mg. I still have to help my valium though and vyvanse as needed along with other meds.

Clozapine has been the best thing for me. It takes a good two months before you can really see all its effects. I also take sertraline and lamotrigine.

I saw a video of a young woman who swore by it, says it returned her to normal and allowed her to finish her college courses. She had been on several different APs and they all caused her problems or didn’t work. I’m thinking about trying it after I’m settled in a month or two.

Here, I found the video:

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Reviews say memory problems

I take clozapine for more than 4 months and I don’t know its effect, cos I also take 2 more antipsychotics

Clozapine for me has certainly been a game changer. My psychotic symptoms are mostly controlled, and my delusions have reduced. I have responded best to this medication after trying a few others. I would certainly encourage you to give it ago, but be prepared there’s going to be a lot of blood tests and monitoring when you first get started on it.

It didn’t really do much for me, positive symptoms wise.

I couldnt form sentences on it and I slept too much on it.

It did take away my parkinsonism though.

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You still considering? I’m asking my pdoc for it next visit


I’m still on Zyprexa, but clozapine might stop the voices. It’s a slim chance but I’ll probably ask him about it next time I see him.

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I’ve finished my bachelor’s on Risperidone…

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Yeah I’m prepared and ready for it:^) anything for relief I hope and pray! How long did it take to be effective? What’s the minimum dosage do you know? I heard it can cause seizures…

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