Any funny wedding stories from weddings you've been to?

I was at one, and stayed in the best man’s home the night before. He ran the speech past me and I said it was good.

However when he delivered it at the wedding, he mistakenly dissed the bride instead of himself in a self-decprecation part of the speech.

I felt it was a Freudian slip though !


My ex and I eloped. We had the “wedding” in the backyard of the justice of the peace. She was reading her thing and we were just cracking up. She stopped and said “this is serious”. What she didn’t realize is that behind her, her dog was taking a poop. Lol


Ah ! That’s a good story !

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For my own wedding, we (purposefully) had a screaming metal song on the playlist, while in a relaxing greenhouse garden atmosphere. LMAO. We also had an ice cream wedding cake (partly cake batter flavored ice cream & partly red velvet cake). It was decorated like a castle, with a drawbridge and everything (which was Lego stuff) and we had the main characters from the Lego Movie on top (cause we watched that movie on our first date). I ripped the bottom of my wedding dress, later in the night, cause I was dancing too wildly with my little brother. Oops. :joy:

I haven’t been to any fun weddings, besides my own (not trying to brag). Everyone around here is boring and/or gets married in the Mormon temple, which you can’t attend if you don’t have a “temple recommend” from a Mormon bishop. Super lame.


Oh geez ! :grimacing: I’d love to have seen people’s reactions ! :joy:

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Sounds like fun !!:slightly_smiling_face::+1:t3:

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Haha! Hubby’s grandparents arrived late to the wedding (drove from Idaho Falls, ID, to Draper, UT [where the wedding was]). They happened to walk into the greenhouse right when that song came on. Grandpa looked at my sister-in-law and asked, “Are we in the right place??” Sister-in-law replied, “It’s (Hubby’s name)'s wedding. We’re definitely in the right place!”

LOL. Grandpa was like, oh, you’re right.

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I’ve only been to 2 weddings and I spent most of the time sitting at a table by myself. Other than the people getting married I didn’t really know anyone. It was the opposite of fun.

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I think going to weddings can be a nightmare scenario for schizophrenics. :ghost:

My wedding was a nightmare.

We got a huge venue for the wedding and we had it all weekend, so the bridesmaids, groomsmen and family all stayed there the whole time.

The night before the wedding, our best man (who’s also an attorney that I would expect better from) went running naked in the woods outside the venue.

Gashed his head wide open hitting a branch, too drunk to feel it until blood got everywhere.

We had to cover the fresh wound with makeup the next day for the wedding.

Then, right before the wedding, it was time for me to get pictures with my bridesmaids but the photographer didn’t show.

I sent one of my bridesmaids to look for her and she was drinking with the groomsmen.

Ends up, she knew two of them.

From casual sex experiences.


We were able to pry her half drunk ass away from they guys and my pictures were shitty.

Then there was the actual wedding,

Which was also a disaster.

Half my bridesmaids were gay, including my sister.

One of them didn’t wear dresses so I told her she could wear a tux.

The man marrying us took notice.

During his little wedding speech he mentioned that God intended marriage to be between a man and woman.


Is this the time to do this?


My husband had to literally put his hands on him and ask him to just proceed with vows.

During the ceremony.

After all that, there was the infamous reception.

The groomsmen promptly got super drunk and started making asses of themselves.

My husband’s family made several shitty comments about the food and wine selections, to MY FAMILY. My family that was bankrolling the whole thing.

So there was a lot of tension there.

A couple hours in the now very drunk groomsmen got ahold of some golf carts and began racing them.

One got driven into a lake, tuxes on and everything,

Another hit my mother in law, she was not seriously injured.

Finally, we (my husband and I) left off to our honeymoon.

The party didn’t stop.

The venue was practically destroyed, and a groomsmen got herpes.

My mother lost her deposits on everything,

And was super pissed.

And that was my wedding!


We overslept and almost missed our own wedding. It was a Justice of the Peace ceremony, but we had a group with us. At the end when the said we could kiss, we kissed so long that everyone laughed.

When we got home my husband carried me over the threshold and promptly ran my booted foot into the best man’s crotch. Ow.

We had a tiny reception at home with our guests.

My mom was visiting and fell asleep in our room so we didn’t get to have a real wedding night. I tried to wake her up but she had taken a bunch of meds and was out cold.



Didn’t mean to write a book.

Short story:

Everything went wrong at my wedding and I’m currently waiting for the groomsmen to start getting married so I can go humiliate them on their special day.

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Wow, that’s a lot of memories ! Thanks for the stories !

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That’s really nice !

Oh no! :grimacing:

i have only ever been to one wedding and they hated me there because i wore a white dress with black and white feathers on it.

it was a designer dress i think and unique.

that was not funny though.

i was told it was inappropriate to wear that dress as it takes the attention from the bride.
you are supposed to dress discreetly to weddings and not wear white.


One of the bridesmaid’s slip fell down during the exchanging of vows. When the ceremony was over she stepped out of her slip and left it there.

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