My wedding was a nightmare.
We got a huge venue for the wedding and we had it all weekend, so the bridesmaids, groomsmen and family all stayed there the whole time.
The night before the wedding, our best man (who’s also an attorney that I would expect better from) went running naked in the woods outside the venue.
Gashed his head wide open hitting a branch, too drunk to feel it until blood got everywhere.
We had to cover the fresh wound with makeup the next day for the wedding.
Then, right before the wedding, it was time for me to get pictures with my bridesmaids but the photographer didn’t show.
I sent one of my bridesmaids to look for her and she was drinking with the groomsmen.
Ends up, she knew two of them.
From casual sex experiences.
We were able to pry her half drunk ass away from they guys and my pictures were shitty.
Then there was the actual wedding,
Which was also a disaster.
Half my bridesmaids were gay, including my sister.
One of them didn’t wear dresses so I told her she could wear a tux.
The man marrying us took notice.
During his little wedding speech he mentioned that God intended marriage to be between a man and woman.
Is this the time to do this?
My husband had to literally put his hands on him and ask him to just proceed with vows.
During the ceremony.
After all that, there was the infamous reception.
The groomsmen promptly got super drunk and started making asses of themselves.
My husband’s family made several shitty comments about the food and wine selections, to MY FAMILY. My family that was bankrolling the whole thing.
So there was a lot of tension there.
A couple hours in the now very drunk groomsmen got ahold of some golf carts and began racing them.
One got driven into a lake, tuxes on and everything,
Another hit my mother in law, she was not seriously injured.
Finally, we (my husband and I) left off to our honeymoon.
The party didn’t stop.
The venue was practically destroyed, and a groomsmen got herpes.
My mother lost her deposits on everything,
And was super pissed.
And that was my wedding!