This was ours…
My wife allowed me NO say in the music. Or the wedding, really.
This would have been my choice:
“You’re the one that I want” (ooo-oo-ooooo) from Grease!!
I think this would make a beautiful Wedding Song…
I heard it on the Radio the other day.
Even if you aren’t married yet, have you chosen a song for that possible special day?
For the life of me I can’t remember. Like @shutterbug I had no say in the music, but I know it was a country song. I’d ask her but it’d probably get me in hot water.
Was that really your wedding song? Lovely but quite long.
Played during dinner and then food fight with the crescendo
Very funny, @Daze!
something like this, I would enjoy
ours was “voices in the sky” by the moody blues.
I think if I ever get married I will have them play “Sweet Child O’ Mine” by Guns and Roses.
I honestly dont remember our wedding song - but I sure do remember the day my divorce was finalized
My mate wants ‘ding dong the witch is dead!’ played at his funeral.
We were married at the justice of the peace. no music, just a quick wham, bam, thank you m’am, that’ll be 80 dollars.
my dad had - things my father said by black stone cherry at his funeral