Wedding went...well i guess

I did my part, my speech lasted all of fifty words (basically told everyone the guy had saved me from some bad stuff, which he did) and toasted him. stayed for an hour. but when I got home i got really sick, ended up throwing up like I was drunk even though I stuck to apple juice from the kids table.

I would say it was just the stress. I was able to hold out until I got home though, which makes me happy.

only awkward things about it was that I was wearing jeans and t shirt, (my GF was wearing a simple blouse and skirt, but she can make a burlap sack look like something the queen would wear) and when the bouquet was tossed my GF caught, even though she wasn’t trying, it literally just landed on her head and into her arms…they say its a good sign right?


Oh boy. :wink:

Well it can’t hurt. I’ve been to one wedding, when I was a kid, and I thought that bouquet tossing was serious business. Nearly injured two bridesmaids fighting for it on the floor. Needless to say I did not go on to get married at age 9, but I had that bouquet like a trophy in my room.

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the bride had a request of those on the room, she wuld toss the flowers, but no one was allowed to get out of their seats, she was blind folded, spun around, and then tossed the flowers. was actually kind of funny

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wow, that sounds amazing haha, good for her :slight_smile: haha

while I love my GF weve only been dating since December, so marriage within the next year might be a little quick on the draw, though we will be getting married next January if things go well, we already decided on it, sicne we want to try for a child starting in march of next year.


wow, you have plans :slight_smile: thats great, its great that someone here has that going for them in their lives, good for you :slight_smile: :thumbsup:

thanks, we both know we want kids, and she isn’t worried about me passing my SZ along, her only concern is, will I still have my job by then? if I do we will get married and start trying, we aren’t being religious in that we are saving sex for marriage, its just a matter of comfort for her, she wants to be in a stable relationship first…how she expects a SZ to be stable in anything is a real question but we have held together longer than all but one other relationship of mine.

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sounds like you are both doing the right thing, i wish you both all the luck in the world, hope you can have a very good life together.

I can get vicarious pleasure out of reading about your romantic life. :couple:

thanks…I think? well to be honest, my romantic life is mostly just a bit more than friendship, but we live together, go almost every where together, and support each other, but people who don’t realize how much she means to me think its just a tight friendship because there is no sex involved. Why does everyone think that you have o have sex when you love someone? Sex is NOT the ultimate expression of love, it is just one aspect of it.


Good on you for having it your way.

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I think it is great that you don’t feel like you have to live up to the expectations of others.

Im in a relationship and im going to get married not sure when sometime in the future im really nervous about having a wedding


you will be fine I am sure! its scary sure, but the love is amazing, it infects you!
