Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do you differentiate the two? I’ve only experienced psychosis once (that I know of) but I’ve had anxiety all my life so you’d think I’d know the difference… Nope. Lately I’ve been severely anxious to the point of wondering whether I’m falling into psychosis again. I feel dissociated and kind of feverish. I’m not seeing or hearing anything unusual. I don’t know if I’m delusional or not, my thoughts are racing and frankly they’re a bit disorganized. I’m trying to distract myself but nothing’s helping all that much. I’m faithfully taking my AP so I should be confident it’s serving as a buffer but idk. If I’m to be honest, I’m not in the best place right now but I’m really fearful of the prospect of having to go back to the hospital even though I know there should be no shame in it. I will go if I have to. I see my therapist soon and I’ll definitely let her know all of this. Just wondering if I can get any help here in the meantime. Thanks for reading.
If your thoughts are racing then that’s definetely something your medical team would be interested in hearing. Contact them for an early appointment. Racing thoughts can easily lead to psychosis.
Thank you. Yeah, I’ll see someone ASAP. Want to do everything in my power to prevent things from escalating to the point of hospitalization again.
I take hydroxyzine for anxiety and what I find works best is to take them every night regularly reguardless of anxiety. Over a period of about a month, the med seems to have built up and I am rarely anxious.
I can feel it in my head when I am getting psychotic. Anxiety is more so in the spine and all over. When I have been really psychotic I black out and can’t remember what I have done. But I was busy doing things. Kinda scary really.
Anxiety doesn’t come w hallucinations & delusions
Thanks everyone! I think it’s just anxiety I’m experiencing. I feel a lot better today.
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