An old pdoc of mine thought

I should yell at the Navy SEALs when I saw them. I didn’t take her advice. I don’t think that would be smart at all. It would just anger them.

Why would you want to yell at them?

To make them stop following me

Aren’t they just for protection?

They’re after me because they think I’m an agent for a foreign country

Are you? What country?

I’m not. I don’t know what country they think I work for. But they’ve been following and monitoring and recording me since 2008

Has the intensity heightened since your daughter left?

I don’t know. I’m always freaking out about it.

Well, do your freakout maneuvers - a cup of tea, some soothing music, meditation. Do you have any pets?

Yes. I have a little dog I call my snuggle bug. He’s very sweet.

There you go. Have some optimum time with him.

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I wouldn’t yell at them either. Sounds like a bad idea.


I think this was bad advice coming from your doctor.

I think the best approach would be to ignore your delusions the best that you can.

No one is following you @LilyoftheValley.


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