There was a guy at the gym

Who was watching me and trying to conceal his identity. He wore a gaiter that he had all the way above his eyes and a hat on. He was spying on me so he could report me. It was very frustrating. He must have done that because I can recognize them.

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Who them? I had a similar experience but I was off meds and psychotic.

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The Navy SEALs who follow me

Sorry to tell you the truth but its your psychosis. Navy seals have much more important stuff to do than spying on the lives of random ppl.


@LilyoftheValley Do you have a PRN you can take?

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Feels more likely they were checking you out… As in checking your body out.

The Navy SEALS thing is a persecution delusion.

Why would they spy on you?
Why would they spy on you in person?
Why did they bring attention to themselves by wearing a obvious disguise?

Honestly speak to your MH team about this. Sounds like its been bugging you a while.

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No. I don’t have a prn. My dr gave me propranolol as one a couple years ago but then warned me not to take it too often or I’d become physically dependent on it. So I didn’t bother to ever take it

Maybe you can try it tonight? It might help ease your mind a little.

I sincerely doubt this will make her feel better right now.

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They’ve been following me since 2008 when they thought I was in the CIA. They realized I wasn’t and now follow me to see if I’m working with another government

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I don’t have it anymore. That was a couple years ago

Ok. Is there someone you can call? What time is it by you? Do you have a pdoc who takes emergency calls?

You know the truth. You know you’re not working for another government, so there’s nothing they can find out that will hurt you.


No. My pdoc doesn’t take emergency calls. I can talk to my husband. Thing is, I deal with this every day. I’ve tried almost every med available and at the highest doses. I’m told I’m not a candidate for clozapine. I’m on Haldol now. I’m guessing my dr will raise my dose when I see her in a month

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Ok. Can you stay with your husband, then? Do you feel safe with him?

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This is true. But I’m afraid they’ll torture me if I do something wrong

Yes. I feel safe with my husband

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Good. Go sit with him. I remember my delusions very very well, and I can’t even imagine how terrifying it would be if they never went away. I can tell you that they’re not real, but it doesn’t matter. You know what you feel. The most important thing is to keep yourself safe. So stay with your husband, sit very calmly, and you won’t do anything wrong. They can’t get to you.

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Thanks @Pandy 15

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@LilyoftheValley if you would listen to us and actually learn about SEALs that would go a long way toward getting rid of this delusion. SEALs do not work domestically. Nor does the CIA. SEALs do not follow anyone in the US.

Education is key in this. I don’t know why you arbitrarily chose SEALs, but that was the wrong people to choose. They just do not do what you are saying.