Am I a Narcissist?

I sometimes think I’m a narcissist. I have a fragile ego and have low confidence. Could this mean I’m a narcissist or just low confidence?


I am very self-critical and self obsessed. I also have low confidence. But from just those things, im not a narcissist. Generally narcissists are uncaring about others feelings and have a very high view of themselves. And want frequent attention from others.


Thinking you might be a narcissist disqualifies you from being a narcissist. I’ve heard the term narcissistic neurosis before which seems like a fancy way of saying self conscious. Maybe you’ve got a little bit of that going on but if you’re sincerely worried that you’re a narcissist you’re not. At least not clinically.


Everyone is narcissistic to some extent. If you are being narcissistic at someone else’s expense and is consistent longstanding behavior it can be categorized as pathology. Can be called narcissistic personality disorder.

Feeling fragile or helpless. Low confidence is sign of depression as well. Peeps with social anxiety feel same thing. Generalized anxiety. Avoidant people feel it as well. So do dependent people.


I don’t think a narcissist would ask him/herself if he/she’s a narcissist, I think you’re good. It’s possible to be narcissistic to various degrees though, like @AhmShere mentioned. I had a parent who was a narc, they are not fun to be around lol.


IDK, is your name Trump? Then yes, definitely.


And I thought I was a narcisist feeling good about myself to a certain degree. But for sure I did not discharged nor ignored others feelings, nor needed to be the center or attention.

Thanks for bringing that up. I used to love myself but I love others and apreciate them for the positive they brought up in my life, just for being themselves.
Thank you for being you, a real suport!

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I was worried about this and wrote a letter to my cousin to do something for someone else. I think I’m so self involved I am okay with other people.

I took an online test and it said

Mild Indication of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
You show some symptoms and/or experiences consistent with patterns of behavior associated with narcissistic personality disorder, but not most. It’s important to note that personality disorders are diagnosed when a pattern of symptoms manifests over time. It’s a good idea to seek treatment from a licensed mental health practitioner to address your specific symptoms and learn to build healthy, reciprocal relationships. Note: Results of this quiz do not qualify as a diagnosis. Psycom recommends that you seek an evaluation from a licensed mental health practitioner for diagnosis and treatment

I took another test

And it again said “mild narcissism

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Same here “mild narccissism”.

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Everyone has narcissism . That does not make you a narcissist. People like to throw around that term way too much now. Seems everyone’s ex is a narcissist. My ex thinks I am, so I consulted my therapist and she laughed at the idea


I got no narcissism. I think sometimes self love and self confidence gets confused with narcissism.


No both my father and brother are Narcissists
Especially my brother

Took the test but didn’t finalize it because it wants my personal information like my name and email

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I took a different test
I have a low level of narcissism or none at all.


No one person is a narcissist in my opinion. Narcissism is a term for a pattern of behaviour which as been mentioned is present in some way in just about everybody. If you can recognise your own narcissisms you can control it. I think it’s part of maturity in the sense of self discovery.

Imagine if you were a narcissistic but no one was around to see it? Would you still be one by definition?
It’s like the tree falling that makes no sound.
A person cannot be a narc if they are aware of why and how they became one.

They say it’s the opposite of arrogance aswell. narcissism comes from a deep rooted self hatred which would no doubt be inflicted upon someone gradually during their youth.
What’s interesting is it’s recognised by laypeople as no more than a word used to identify someone who is an abuser, thus we should be allowed to abuse them back.

This is called dehumanisation by way of labels

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Vulnerable narcissists exist.

Narcissists don’t always have high self-esteem.

This is untrue.

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