Do you feel like a narcissist?

I know I’ve asked this before here, but I feel like a self aware narcissist. I’ve been abusive to people I’m close to in the past.

Maybe I’m just being hard on myself

I also feel like maybe I’m too low self esteem to really be one lol. At least narcissist fake having a high self esteem, I’m not even able to do that.

Do any of you feel the same?

I’m pretty sure I am one, but I have a little doubt

The only doubt I have is I feel like my self esteem really would be better even if I’m lying to myself

I know narcissist have got a bad wrap online. So it may be a sensitive subject to some. Just curious if anybody agrees with the statement “I am a narcissist”.

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I have done things that could be viewed as narcissistic but I don’t believe it’s a pattern for me. People close to me have said no I’m not when I’ve asked because an ex accused me of such and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t. I think you can be abusive without having a personality disorder, I’ve been abusive before too. Especially when I first developed sza in 2013.


I’m no expert but it seems to me like person with strong narcissism wouldn’t ask themself that question or reflect on it like that?


Yeah I try not to blame schizophrenia for all my bad behavior though. Not saying that’s the case for you. But I do make an attempt to be accountable for my behavior. It might be superficial though, I’m not really sure. I’ve consulted professionals before on the subject. They really won’t give you a clear answer for whatever reason. I hate the feeling of being one. It sucks

There’s conflicting information online. Just like a lot of things you google. I’d agree if I had it then it wouldn’t be on the severe end of the spectrum is all

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If you think you’re a narcissist, you’re most likely not one. Narcissists almost never think anything negative about themselves. Trust me, my stepdad was one. In my lifetime I’ve never personally met a second one. They are rare.

If you have ever felt empathy or done something out of sheer care for someone, you are not a narcissist. With narcissists there is no capability for caring, and it is replaced by manipulation.


My sister says paranoia is narcissism because why would anyone go after you if your not special and your just a average human

Honestly I do think paranoia does have some narcissistic tendencies HOWEVER I don’t feel like I’m narcissistic in general

Sorry if this offended anyone but truth is i agree to a extent with my sister only to a extent I don’t view myself as a “special human being who deserves everything” I just thought it seemed like kinda true to a extent

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I think we use this word as a garbage can for people we don’t like. People are complicated…if you can care if you can think of someone else if you can do good …just focus on those positive things. What good does it do to throw yourself in the garbage :person_facepalming:t5:


I also had an abusive stepdad. He wasn’t a narcissist. Just a redneck, idiot. Although he was abusive at times. Sorry you went thru this. I think we recover from child abuse with age to an extent. Is your stepdad a nicer guy now? Did he ever mellow out? Mine did, and that kinda helped me a lot

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I agree to an extent with her as well. I think paranoia CAN BE narcissistic, but a paranoid schizophrenic isn’t.

For example malignant narcissist are always paranoid, but only in terms of power and control. For example, constantly being paranoid your spouse is a cheater for no good reason I think would be narcissistic, but thinking the C.I.A is plotting against you because your schizophrenic is not.

Just my two cents.

There has been studies saying narcissism and schizophrenia is linked though. This has also caused me to wonder

Yeah it was a buzz word for a while. Basically just a substitute for ahole. Idk why I keep putting myself down so hard. Like I said, I’ve always had problems with self esteem

Same… ATM I’m trying to keep ahold of myself when my mind starts to put me down. I doubt we have tolhe same history but for a long time I’ve trylired not to be hurtful or selfish… When all of those thoughts about me being a bad person or whatever lable it is for that day I’m gonna try to hold on to the good parts of me…they are there even when we don’t feel them…


That’s good, but for me I feel like if I focus on my good qualities too much… that is narcissism. Not saying you are. Just talking about my own situation. Maybe not, because I don’t focus on my good qualities too much

Off meds yes, but I’m pretty down to earth when treated.

Same. I was belligerently arrogant while I was pretty ill. I might still be arrogant, not sure, but I’m not out of control. I wonder how I never got beat up, thrown in jail, or worse. I’m not sure. I guess I’m lucky

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Sometimes I do. At times my ego is inflated and other times I feel a low ego. Mainly concerning my intelligence.

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Yeah. Y’all’s post are very similar to how I am. I used to think I was smart, but now I just know I’m basically slow.

Oh gotcha… I mean prefer to focus on the good instead of the bad. What you focus on grows…

Idk … Be kind to yourself

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This wasn’t intended to be a pity party, I swear. I was really trying to ask if you guys feel the same way I do.

It’s good advice man. I should listen. A lot of my mental health issues have gotten better with age, maybe the self esteem thing will be a recovery story too, idk…

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