Aliens control me and read my thoughts. I don’t know what to do.
Meds don’t help.
honestly i belive sometimes that humans are acually aliens… just ignore that or write a poem about them or draw them i like to draw things i feel or think or what ever i see
I will write a poem about aliens
and send it! i want to read it
They control every action and feeling
you really feel like that too?
becouse i belive that too i feel like somenone is controling when will i pee and what word will i say… like i am literally not my self but still have my self somwhere inside me
i cant even explain corectly
I believe they control what I do.
yes that
but do you really feel like when you move your hand like you didnt even wanted to move it?
Yes exactly… 151515
but are you afrid to live becouse of that or you live normaly? do you do anything dor living how do you live?
Aliens even caused my schizophrenia, I think
I am afraid. 151515ye
yes i feel like that too but i wouldnt say aliens i think its my ex boyfriend and gf… (as i said humans are aliens for me)
Om better switch to clozapine…!!! Its urgent…!!
I really think the hospital would help you, man.
dont be didi you do anything bad in that way?
and can you explain me that becouse i am stupid a bit 1515 thing and why did you write ye next to that
1515 is written when the post is under 15characters l. Try to send a message with less than 15characters and you’ll see that it’s not permitted. I just typed 15151 because it’s the rule
i thought its something about angel numbers
I think that would be the best thing to do. But in order to go to the hospital I need to tell my father to take me. I don’t want to worry him