Alexa in creepy mode

I told her to play Hall & Oates from across the room and she whispered back to me. It freaked me out. It’s called “whisper mode”; did you know Alexa had it?


I am not sure how clever Alexa is

The only one I have is a echo dot I paid £15 for

Only use it as a radio for the dog when I am out

At work we used to say, ‘Alexa, say 100 in Welsh backwards’


I don’t have Alexa, but if I did and she whispered to me, it would have freaked me out! Lol! Glad it’s just a setting.


Sounds like a tool of ultimate discomfort.

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Hi @Genesis

You seem pretty interesting
I read a few of your posts and comments

Do you have support from anyone with your health?

Hey friend @anon67450902 likewise and nice to meet you. :slight_smile:

Currently rolling higher on my bipolar end but this might end up being a good thing since my positives almost vanished. Just working on my own, being brave and not listening anyone but doing what’s good for me. Eating food that fuels my brain (mostly fat and meat). That’s about it. I think it’s a good thing.


Sounds good thing

I suffer with anhedonia lack of pleasure in anything and numbness apart from anxiety. Part of negatives , its difficult to know how things would go if i came off meds or lowered them?
Life isnt all bad though i have a good hubby and family are there for me now, (much better than before diagnosis). I do what i can to manage best i can

@Genesis i think you should be consulting with a doctor though. Mental illness is biological too and having bipolar or sza can be controlled better with some meds.

Do you have any support?
(Original qu)

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Sorry to hear pal negatives truly sucks hairy ass. I’ve been on that road, it’s a dark road that doesn’t lead anywhere. So I wish you speedy recovery whatever you decide to do. I’m also not a doctor, I’m just a biohacker and thus I cannot take this burden of responsibility of advising people on how they should manage their diagnoses. But I can always work on myself and my circle without any fear then I just simply share my own experience and findings what works(ed) for me.

Taking medication for me is also a choice and nobody can really force me take it if I just simply withdraw my consent. I was doped in past with very high doses and that left me very concerned about my own health and future survival. Taking medication for me is counterproductive since I like to look good and physically healthy. And medication flushes everything down the drain since it opens flood gates to binge eating which turns into obesity, diabetes, and everything else on the rainbow. Not even mentioning other invisible things so there is in fact zero fairness in any possible tradeoffs even if I ever decide to take it again which is not going to happen.

In terms of food there is a simple fact that the bad food kills people very slowly almost without people even seeing it so people tend to ignore it since process is very slow and almost invisible. So by not eating bad food you are one step ahead in reclaiming your own good health. Every food molecule does something to human body, either maintaining good health or making us sick. So my starting point will always be holistic approach and just take it from there.

I do engage in therapy but since there are many forms of therapy, I’m choosing something other than just “pouring my heart to therapist” which by the way it can be very beneficial to many people and I still would recommend stop sitting on couch and get oneself several talk sessions with therapist. But I’m already past that point and I’m working on different forms of therapy that works for me pretty well.

I’m currently in simple happy medium state where I can control my symptoms while allowing myself to grow slowly and thus get better and mentally healthier in a process. Even if I’m going to crash land at some point. Each time I’ve been building more and more safeguards in place that helps me to get up faster every time I crash.

Life is full of colors.

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