I like my meds, no more mood swings, but also no euphoria or mania, which i miss

not only does the invega help with my voices, it also balances out my moods. was not fun the first year and half, but i stuck with it and my anhedonia lifted, but i haven’t gotten really excited about something in 4 years, that’s the only thing i don’t like. i don’t even make crazy plans anymore of business startups or anything. when i was unmedicated i tried to dig a pond with a shovel haha, not kidding. i had lots of plans for the yard, and i took action as soon as i got the idea haha.

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i’ll take meds for life, im a convert, initially i didnt want them. i will probably lower the dosage at some point though, im on the highest dose right now, i still have voices before bed some times.

Psychosis and mania both suck and can be dangerous. I would rather have negative symptoms than have one of them or both.


it’s bad With social media last time I was off meds I was running for president and claimed that I was responsible for Ed lee (former San Francisco mayors ) death. I added every single person I could think of and went from like 10 friends on Facebook to 5k in like a week. I’m surprised the police or fbi didn’t knock on my door honestly . I was so embarrassed after I went back on my pill that like I was scared to even go outside. It gets better after a while and I haven’t seen anyone from my past who i added but I made a couple friends. And i feel like perfectly fine now. From what I was posting you would think I’m a psychopath murderer which I’m not. My advice would be to delete all your social media even if your not mentally ill. If your mentally ill especially schizophrenic or bipolar you can do the same exact thing. It ruins my life every time but I’m resilient and always bounce back. I’m not going off meds again.

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Honestly I have euphoria and a lot of great moods meds are ok at a moderate dose. Just hang in there and communicate with your doctor. I feel really good everyday and I’m on a moderate dose 5 mg haldol. I don’t feel stupid either

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I was threatening public officials that can get you serious jail time plus I told my mom I was the devil and that I would kill my sister. Psychosis is extremely serious.


I’ve never had really dramatic mania like that thank gosh. I don’t like mania though. Frankly, I’m scared to death of it because of the textbook descriptions of it. Mainly, the parts where it describes “wild spending sprees”, and “jumping out of tall buildings”. Those parts scare me to death and I don’t want to go there.

Personally, my manic episodes have always revealed themselves in hypersexuality (in the past), (I’m totally asexual now), staying up all night, and composing music every day for years and years, often all night long.

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Even though it ruined my life before, sometimes I miss feeling as good as I did when I was manic. It’s like a craving, but I obviously don’t want the bad parts or loss of insight. Just miss feeling so powerful and able to achieve anything.

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