Afraid to Masturbate

I’ve been doing a little better I guess. But there is this issue.
I cant masturbate because the voices are “video taping” me. Yeah I know this is probably unlikely, but I cant get aroused. hearing them comment on everything is just weird. They call me a whore, but its only normal to do this crap. I just would like to hear some other peoples stories about trying this.

Try turning out all the lights and putting cotton in your ears. That might help.

Does music help? To mute the voices and put you in the mood?

If not have you tried labelling the voices as voices and seeing if they shut up for a few seconds, with some mindfulness thrown in for good measure?

You sound very unstable. I would consult with a psychiatrist about what problems you are having? good luck.

Yeah it helps to do phone sex with a man who’s a friend.

Just be connected not other garbage.

then there should be no need to masturbate… but if you got too… do it anyways… there aint nobody watching…

I used to think telepathic folks were watching me masturbate… and I just… did it anyways… now I have no concern for any of it…

I mean god is always watching anyways… or so some believeth…

my voices used to involuntarily arouse me. Not sure what’s worse. Disturbing either way

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I think for those of us who don’t have partners, masturbation is very important. I went a month of abstaining. Wasn’t good.

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It’s healthy

Pornography on the other hand…debatable

Not the end of the world tho

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This can be terrible, I had similar experiences for a while. And though I hated my voices, I got additional intrusive thoughts with romantic/sexual contents aimed at my voices while ‘in the act’. That was a big mind ■■■■. (pun).

I am not sure about what advice to give you. At the time, I engaged in all kinds of negotiations, conversations, apologies, and the like towards my voices in order to get it over with every once in a while. I don’t really recommend that, for it validates, acknowledges the voices. I think there is some confidence issue involved - with this, but with many issues with voices in general. I found I would be insecure and/or feel shame about many issues during psychosis, and it seems to me the apparent power/authority of the voices is sort of the other side of this coin. You could say, they prey on insecurity, though I am not particularly fond of the anthropomorphism that suggests, such a way of describing it makes them too human for my liking.

Anyway, both in general and with this particular topic, though more easily said than done, I think it helps to bolster your confidence about it. Repeating to yourself that everyone does it, that it’s harmless, that it serves a good mood and, I don’t know, anything you can think of to set it in a positive light. I’m not sure if this works for everyone, but for me, bit by bit, topic by topic, enforcing my confidence and stance on matters would eventually make it so that the voices wouldn’t bother with it.

Ultimately, but also difficult and rather comprehensive, is to thoroughly convince yourself that the voices have no impact whatsoever on the real world, aren’t people or subjects of any kind and the like… Hope you will feel better soon :slight_smile:

To add, as some sort of rule of thumb, I found it helps to ‘reverse’ many disturbing thoughts/beliefs/perceptions of what is going in psychosis. Underlying that idea is the notion that the direction of causality is generally difficult to establish, but that doesn’t matter too much for now. So in this case it would work as follows: you notice you are afraid of masturbating because of what the voices say/threaten etc. The reversal would be: maybe the voices say/threaten you as they do because you are afraid of masturbating. I found entertaining such possible reversals on all kinds of topics to be strangely comforting and empowering.

dude there is some good porn… but then there is a shitload of it that is basically training for rapists.

Sex isn’t supposed to be violent… that is a deep seated belief of mine but you can find a whole slew of crap out there where women are being treated like they are nothing more than a body that can be used in any way for pleasure by men… Porn is mutual prostitution… somehow the camera makes it legal…

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