Do your voices encourage you to have sex?

My voices encourage me to masturbate and/or have sex. Does anyone else experience anything like this?


My delusions are centered around the subject…

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No. I never had sexual delusions. But I thought I should marry someone. I packed my bags and almost went to his house.

Uhhh to have sex with them. If it’s about masturbation they usually want me to get off to really messed up stuff.


Its so much of an issue,

I don’t even want to talk about it.


Thanks for replying though. It makes me feel better.

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I do believe that they made me a sl## because it was not my will and I had others in my body and taking over my iiiii eyes as they think I have a low iq they iiii this n that in my body n steered my person maliciously.

I did hear moaning when I had voices which tormented me .

They said I have to cut the soul of my feet to make the moaning stop as it was supposedly my soul mate having sex with others that I heard and felt and even had spontaneous orgasms unwillingly that hurt me as my heart hurt too.

When I cut my foot they said that is not deep enough.

I am a pus## so I refused to cut any deeper I only drew a tiny bit of blood .

I was bad to Anders but it was not me it was actually them and I hope he knows me well enough to understand that.

I never felt like myself but now I feel like myself sometimes but still have others .

I feel some angry ,hysterical ,intense men in my body still but not 24/7 but I can not function mostly when I feel like them.

They took over my hand and made me maturbate a few times but I did not want to but it did not happen often and was hateful and not loving but nasty.

I had five years of celibacy and only masturbated a few times in all those years I was A sexual mainly.

I used to hear woman moan and it hurt and felt disgusting in my body.


My voices push me to approach women on the street. Hard to ignore because they present it by basically saying that my situation with women will just get worse and worse if I don’t do it, and that I owe it to my future wife to get over some of my emotional hangups and insecurities with the opposite sex.

i do feel persuaded by the voices to do it but I don’t do it, I mean I really don’t think a girl will like a guy talking to her because his voices said so. I’m Learning to not take it so seriously.

This all stems back to when I was a freshman in university before the illness hit, I read up on this foolish game stuff and put pressure on myself to go out and do it. I feel the voices really do point at our fears and issues.

Maybe yours are pointing to your expectations on yourself around sex.


Me too Selene! My voices have also told me that he (the man I am obsessed with)is having sex with his wife right now.

Sorta. Plus I have a lot of anonymous sex with strangers. Sometimes it’s all I got goin, when it’s full moon I feel drawn to do stuff. Plus I can’t say no. The voices study it and become pretty silent once it gets going. Edit. They like me to do gay stuff. Sleeping with women has been very hard since the illness hit. Maybe I’m just gay or bi but I still crave women.


Thats nice of them to get silent when you get going, I guess. What is their reason for liking you to do gay stuff?

I don’t do voices. I do central thoughts etc.

I always was pretty horny…that has slowly gotten less in my current lifestyle and that is a relevation to me.

As a normal schizophrenic I’d so no. But if I did do voices I’d certainly hope they did! And that isn’t being funny!

I know what you mean. It is simultaneously jarring and validating.

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nothing like that but I was about to marry a voice of mine during an episode. I even wrote her a love letter…

I’ve been in similar situations. Did you think the voice was someone you knew, or was it just that nice to you?

I didn’t know her. she was a goddess. I fell in love


i’ve climbed into someone’s bed because i thought i heard her breathing that she wanted me to get into her bed and start masturbating - which i almost did but felt uncomfortable and didn’t touch myself that was the general intention - she woke up and it was clear she had not asked me.

other times i have tried to pressurise a boyfriend to have sex with me but he fought me off, locked me out his room

If i had been a male i am certain i would have been raping people all over the place

other times in hospital
masturbating with thoughts in my brain from a guy in the other ward etc etc


i also cut my feet when i’m unwell, thought I was being told to by my boyfriend who was in another city at the time
i also had a lot going on with tactile hallucinations with people in the smoking room in hospital

Do you still think she is a goddess? And do you still hear her or do the meds work?

It’s good that you didn’t though. I can’t relate do the delusions but they also sound challenging.