Adult autism?

I took several online tests for adult autism and they all showed that I have “many” autism traits. I don’t know what that means but I’m asking my pdoc.


Online tests are not valid.


Autism is a lifelong diagnosis. Autistic kids grow up to be autistic adults. Online tests are not objective enough to be taken too seriously, only a professional can diagnose, but lots in the autsm community accept self diagnosis since diagnose can be extremely hard to obtain for some. But self diagnosis is not just taking a test and concluding its accurate. It involves a lot of introspection about your past


I would not be surprised to find that many of us, especially the over 40 crowd, would qualify for an autism diagnosis. Including you, @SkinnyMe. I think, similar to what we say to newbies about sz/bipolar/sza/psychosis NOS, the label doesn’t matter as much as managing the symptoms. If the coping skills for autistic people help you, that is a good thing.

Mr. Star doesn’t have a formal diagnosis that we know of (most of his medical records have been lost) but he has been much happier and at peace since he stopped masking and started working on accepting the harmless but deeply socially weird parts of himself.


I’m not going to self diagnose. Especially as I am not suffering from it and there is no treatment anyway. I will just chalk it up to sza.

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I got dxd with this at 32

Would have helped to have had it much sooner

Many people would understand themselves better from a diagnosis

But here it’s more fyi as there is no support in the UK post diagnosis for adults

Very stretched and limited charity work going on that takes months to access


What test did you take online?

I probably have autism. Well I’m not sure. But I don’t see how it would help me to try and see if I have the diagnosis. What good would it do?

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